Have you noticed that clueless people do very well on
their own and that they are the ones that appear to be selected or to be the
chosen ones to be promoted over others not so clueless and more in tune with
their workplace environment and culture? Certainly I won’t have to draw you a
picture of someone that is clueless as we all know someone that fits this
profile and is likely to be more successful and stress free than you.
Many times have I asked this question either to me of
my family as I ponder how such a person can be considered a value to any
organization or team? Many really don’t have a clue and know not much if
anything about themselves, their job or the way they do things in their lives.
These bumbling airheads make more money than me and get the promotion every
time an opportunity knocks on their door leaving my door closed and empty with
promises to succeed or advance legitimately through my own efforts and
responsible thinking,
Often, they are successful - even rich and wallow
endlessly in a stupor that easy to recognize to everyone except the bosses. Every
culture has such person as a role mode of what not to do but somehow, this fool
– this simpleton not only makes ends meet but get everything on a silver spoon
while the rest of us smucks work hard and suffer the ever present humiliation
of being passed over for promotions or other advances in the workplace.
So what makes these smucks so successful being clueless?
What is the psychoanalyst say about these kinds of fools that dwell in our
workplace and are coveted by others as well as envied and desired to be
associated with to reap similar benefits.
Clueless people are considered to be lazy or disorganized
to say the least. The behavior by itself is puzzling and hard to figure out but
regardless, many have tried to analyze this behavior. In their own pervasive
ways they are very successful people even if the concept is perverse in many
Maybe it’s me. Maybe I am looking at this all wrong. Maybe
these people are smarter than me; maybe they are not as dumb as they want me to
believe and maybe just maybe they engage in this type of behavior deliberately
and find it useful for their own needs and opportunities.
Perhaps they have learned the art of “playing the part”
better than I and are smarter and more logical candidates for things to be done
at the office or elsewhere. Maybe they pretend to pretend and become so successful;
they continue this behavior to ploy and con others along the way. Regardless,
this type of behavior is infectious and makes other people act the same or
mimic styles that appear to work for others. In its own way it’s another
version of perverse narcissism and a real lust to be noticed and eventually
paid for being clueless.
The answer appears to be located somewhere between being
in the right place at the right time making the clueless person not so clueless
at all. Not necessarily a hapless person, they may in fact planted themselves
in this position to attain a distinct advantage over others and in the end the
winner of an uneven race but nevertheless a race that was won by a clueless
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