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Sunday, October 9, 2016

An excerpt from my mini-book “Seagulls” on Amazon Kindle bookstore

Seagulls: An Analogy of the Homeless Invisible People & Social Justice by [ToersBijns, Carl R.]

An excerpt from my mini-book “Seagulls” on Amazon Kindle bookstore
Thus it is the purpose of this book to bring harmony among the members of society and our communities. Seagulls, crows, and many other species that are members of the human race require some sort of balance to function and cope effectively and at the current rate, these chances of finding a good balance are slim and few in between.
Today, society ignores the problems of the homeless and only works on problems that benefit their own existence or survival – not those of the poor or oppressed as they suffer daily from this ignorance of mankind. We need to take a new approach and think of the benefits of bringing in the poor and homeless and bring them into the mainstream of life as partners for survival and coexistence on this planet. It is unfortunate we bounce that word ‘harmony’ around like there is a lot of it around us. First of all, harmony is a good thing but often difficult to find as there are so many different customs, practices, religions, races and political affiliations to deal with to find common ground.
In a political world, the word is often overused and abused. It is even used inappropriately or incorrectly to manipulate the desired outcome by those who would benefit from such tactics. It's an easy word to throw out there and get the attention or approval of many others because it sounds like a friendly concept that benefits all but in fact, often designed to benefit only a few.
‘Harmony’ is a feel good word. It feels nice and warm to say it. Although the truth may contradict every aspect of the reality around us, the more you use this word, the better you feel. It’s like you believe you are on the right path in life and doing all the right things. But in reality, you are not  doing a damn thing for others as you are focusing on your own needs or those who you are associated with rather than the masses out there on the streets. Harmony is an action word – it is about achieving, doing and feeling. You can’t really achieve harmony unless you know what it means.
If this book teaches you one thing about the universe it should be harmony between people and the things around us – making it all work together to benefit us all, not just a few. If you master this one trait to co-exist In balance with each other, then the world can be a better place for many. No matter what you choose to do in life, if you find harmony and are happy about it, you have achieved more than most people do in the world. In this case, the pursuit of happiness is the wealth of knowing you can be happy.
So we focus on harmony in our lives and then realize that it takes a strong balance to achieve it. Literally speaking, in order to be a happy person, you must be a balanced person.
Finding balance in your environment in tough situations takes perseverance and courage. In order to find harmony, you must balance the coexistence with mutual agreements, peace without conflict or minimized conflict, be amicable and approachable, cooperate and find unity in causes and ideas or growth and positive rapport with others.
In other words, harmony is a balance to just get along with others – regardless of their economic status, wealth or poverty levels, race, color, religious habits or traditions etc. we live in an age where this has become very difficult. We can blame our politically correct climate for this feeling that we need to tolerate some things that are normally intolerable to take or accept.
No matter who you support politically, you can’t support one candidate without getting into a conflict or trouble with another. The world has been divided into these terms and done so on purpose. This is not harmony – this is conflict based on the divide and conquer design to separate people for various reasons.
In a political world, that translates into voters base groups and influences. It really is that simple to understand that when you break away from the principles of harmony and balance, you break the relationships between people, relatives, friends and neighbors to do so. How many times have we asked our family, relatives or neighbors – can’t we just try to get along?
Getting back to the seagulls and crow conflict, we have a choice – we can engage in harmony or drama. There are middle steps in this concept but the bottom line is that without harmony we create drama. This is with everything – not just politics.

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