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Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Rusty Heart

A Rusty Heart

An abandoned heart, on the outskirts of my soul, is all that is left after a devastating loss in my life. A heart and soul that once hummed to the rhythms of life, are now in misery and loneliness.

My heart meant everything to me, it kept me ticking and in touch with life and my inner passions. It was my spiritual foundation and a source of pride that I carried it on my sleeve, unlike so many others who hid theirs well.

For the longest time, my heart competed with the hearts of others. Every time they came up with a new game, my heart adjusted and overcame their tricks to capture mine. It was that way for decades before my heart was broken and never healed whole again.

Without the heart, the body cannot thrive or gain any pleasure. It needs a heart to keep things going and the fire inside alive. Clinging on to life, worrying that the next heartache would mean death to my heart, I tried to shield it the best I could but it still fell apart.

Now my heart is rusty and cracks show the stress it has endured over time. These stress cracks have created holes big enough to cause emotions to leak out from the eyes and turn into tears. Since it has been broken once too many times, it is now closed.

Emotions disappeared, spirits vanished and a coldness set in that put fear inside my head that it was all but over. I worried that my heart would never be whole again as the cracks inside its scarred tissue, revealed it was definitely broken.

Fighting hard to revitalize my heart, my soul and my spirits hasn’t been easy. What is left is a rusty heart that can only withstand so much pressure and so little pain. The struggles endured have brought me nothing by emptiness and much of the rust is now settled dust that is impossible to see.

The pain has been magnified by loss of hope and despair. Surely this rusty heart deserves a greater chance of survival and attention. It has suffered badly under the recession of feelings and emotions that were complicated by my human spirit to fight off any surrender or defeat to the world as it stood.

Searching deeply for a greater share of life’s opportunities to seek a stimulus package for help to fight off the rust and despair, it is with high hopes to invest in a new infrastructure that will salvage my soul.

These improvements to revitalize my inner self shall focus on rebuilding my spirit and faith in all those things I once believed in strongly. Looking beyond tomorrow, I see the greener fields of hope and faith bring me charity and love I once knew.

I have not abandoned any thoughts of giving up; I will never surrender. I shall keep my backbone straight and walk the line to face the fires. For a rusty heart can heal with love and care; erasing the pain can forge a future.

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