A website that links all my ideas, thoughts and works to one site so you can pick and choose where you want to go and visit me
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
A Replacement Medic - Homeless and Insane but not Crazy
When a person does some terrible
things in their life, things that seem to be utterly wasteful, stupid or
senseless, like the murder of innocent people or pets, there is split off from
the norm to the evil side of the world. At least that appears to be the
assessment of the world around us.
Some people would say that this
is a mentally ill person and in dire need of help to return their mind back to
normal. Their logic is that a normal sane person would not do such a terrible
and senseless thing. So what I am trying to do in this book is to illustrate
how we can engage in a war that is filled with insanity but throughout it all,
we remain normal and not be crazy. Let me explain this concept by rationalizing
logic used in the world today.

The world’s patterns of thinking,
justifying and explaining these anomalies in life are filled with biases,
morals, ethics and other norms are culturally created. One major point of
concern in this matter is the burden of responsibility and accountability and
the correct way to a person who has done something terrible such as committing
a crime against another human being, race or country.
If a person acts from mental ill
rather than evil, then it seems somewhat reasonable to regard or judge them to
be not accountable for the action(s) or at least, to the degree the person is
ill. After all, if something terrible occurs because a person suffers from a
physical illness, or a mechanical failure, the person is generally and
sometimes legally, not held accountable (exceptions noted).
For example, immediately after
doing a tour in Nam, I was stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky at the 42nd Field
Hospital as a dispensary medic. I had the privilege to have my personal vehicle
on post when I had a malfunction with my car’s accelerator – it got stuck and
caused the car to veer out of control almost hitting a group of officers
standing on the sidewalk. Since I was driving normal when the car
malfunctioned, and the fact that I didn’t stomp my foot down deliberately or to
press the accelerator down to speed up, I had an unexpected seizure of my
ability to control it. At least, that is
how the adjutant general attorney explained it to me. However, I was not
completely vindicated of the act, as I was demoted from E-5 to E-4 for a
violation of our Military Code of Justice. Something I didn’t understand
clearly but it was much better than a criminal charge and facing charges as
that was told to me at the beginning of this investigation.
Oddly, when the car rocketed down
the street, smashing into another car and coming to a stop in someone’s back
yard after barely missing the pedestrians, I could have been charged for attempted
vehicular manslaughter or other kind of crimes, as the car could have easily
plowed over the officer, injuring or killing some of them.
However, since I was not
physically in control of my own actions (and they had no reason to think I
would do such an act on purpose) I was not held morally accountable. That is, I
did nothing wrong. I hope you see where I am going here as this is all based on
perceptions and subjective thinking. If a person had intentionally tried to
murder this officer with a car, then that would be seen as an evil action.
Unless, perhaps, the driver was mentally ill in a way that disabled him in a
way comparable to a stroke and since a stroke may cause the car to veer out of
control, much like a mechanical failure, a case might be made that the driver
might be as “innocent” as the afflicted victim.
There seem to be at least two
ways that a mentally ill person might be absolved of moral responsibility (at
least to the degree he is mentally ill). Regardless, the person appears to be
suffering from what could be classified as a perceptual or interpretative
disorder or malfunction.
That is, he may have mental
defects that cause him to perceive and interpret reality incorrectly. For
example, a person suffering from extreme paranoia might think that some
stranger intends to steal his brain, even if there are no such intention. I am
hoping you are staying with me as I detail how we become not just
institutionalized in our thinking patterns, but also fall to the games of the
In such a case, it seems
reasonable to not regard the person as evil if he tries to harm someone —after
all, he is acting in what he thinks is legitimate self-defense rather than from
a wicked motivation. In contrast, if someone who wanted to kill me to carjack
my car or just for fun would be acting in an evil way.
Put in general terms, mental
conditions that distort a person’s perception and interpretation of reality
might lead him to engage in acts of wrongful violence even though his moral
reasoning might remain normal.
Again, strangely, it seems
sensible to consider that such people might be following their conscience as
best they can, only they have distorted information to work with in their
decision making process and this distortion results from mental illness.
Second, the person might be
suffering from what could be regarded as a disorder of judgment. That is, the
person’s ability to engage in reasoning is damaged or defective due to a
perceived mental illness.
The person might (or might not)
have correct information to work with, but the processing is defective in a way
that causes a person to make judgments that would be regarded as evil if made
by a “normal” person.
For example, a person might infer
from the fact that someone is wearing a blue hat that the person should be
killed or maybe in the case of the Vietnam War, a person is wearing black
pajamas and therefore, should be killed.
One obvious point of concern is
that “normal” people are generally bad at reasoning, no anomaly during the war,
and commit fallacies with alarming regularity. As such, there would be a need
to sort out the sort of reasoning, that is merely bad reasoning from reasoning
that would count as being mentally ill.
One-point worth considering is
that bad reasoning could be fixed by education and awareness, whereas a mental
illness would not be fixed by learning, for example, logic and should be
treated by diagnosis and medication or therapy.
A second obvious point of concern
is discerning between mental illness as a cause of such judgments and evil as a
cause of such judgments. After all, evil people can be seen as having a
distorted sense of judgment in regards to value. In fact, some philosophers aka
Kant and Socrates regard evil as a mental defect or a form of irrationality.
This has some intuitive
appeal—after all, people who do terrible and senseless things would certainly
seem to have something wrong with them. Whether this is a moral wrongness or
health wrongness is, of course, the big question here. For many war veterans,
this is linked to their experiences and perception during their time of
One of the main reasons to try to
sort out the difference is figuring out whether a person should be treated
(cured) or punished (which might also cure the person). As noted above, a
person who did something terrible because of mental illness would (to a degree)
not be accountable for the act and hence should not be punished (or the
punishment should be duly tempered).
For some it is tempting to claim
that the choice of evil is an illusion because there is no actual free choice
(that is, we do what we do because of the biochemical and electrical workings
of the bodies that are us).
As such, people should not be
punished, rather they should be repaired. Of course, there is a certain irony
in such advice: if we do not have choice, then advising us to not punish makes
no sense since we will just do what we do.
The adverse impact of this
rationale is the fact that when you apply this to government, there is no
distinction made. government is not held accountable or responsible for what
they do, carry out or engage in especially when it comes to making war.
So how do you introduce a subject
as tender as the Vietnam War without offending anyone who fought this conflict
with all his or her body and soul? Why would you even write about things that
were so atrociously violent, brutal, mind boggling and controversial and what
would justify speaking out against the flow of main stream media and history
books when the dust has still not settled.
Controversy causes doubts of
whether or not you know the truth in these matters. Can we trust the history
books to tell us the truth? Perhaps to some extent, it would be the appropriate
source to mention and refer to for war statistics, facts of battles,
chronology, and other factual matters that verifiable by military records.
If we understand the truth
correctly, without the extra perceptions, was the was a necessary evil or was
it justified of being as close to ‘normal’ as life gets?
On the other hand, does the
government allow the truth to be printed or would it rather conceal the
deception and lies they provided over a long period of time to justify their
use of one of the world’s mightiest armed forces in such a small country called
the Republic of South Vietnam.
As a war veteran, I mourn the
loss of my teammates daily without exceptions. As a former warrior, I seek
condolences and forgiveness for what I was a part of during my one-year tour as
a medic. It is a fact that for over forty years I carried a lot of guilt inside
One such guilt was survivor’s
guilt, another kind of guilt was my own conscious, fighting my own morality and
mortality. In the end, I suffered no more and no less than most Vietnam
Veterans, except that I was spared the agony of Agent Orange and other visible
How I survived does not matter anymore
as that stands for the record to be satisfactory and successful in both family
and career paths. What I did or underwent during my recovery time, is now, not
much of an issue as it has brought me full circle with life and my heart.
There is nothing more to say
except to tell the truth as I have known it to exist. Is it wrong and does it
point the blame somewhere else? Yes, I think so; I think the blame belongs to
the ‘establishment’ that sent us to a war that was never fully justified.
At least, in my mind, that is how
I see it after it was all over and done with and as I visit the Wall in DC to
see the names of my fallen comrades, I realize that over 58,307 men and women
lost their lives because of the bureaucracy that wanted a war fought in a
foreign land under the pretense of stopping communism at the front door and not
letting it be fought on American soil.
The hypocrisy in this message is
stronger than the truth itself. Our country shamed us into believing we fought
a good war, an honorable war and a justified war.
To some, including me, it was an
honorable war but not a good war to be fought. This is a paradox that will
never be clear to anyone who experienced this warfare.
This war was full of hate,
racism, class warfare, political pandering and foreign policy meddling to
control the power of the world while sending young men into battle. Battles
that were mostly won but not sufficient to win the war.
Politics took a front seat over
military victories. The entire conflict was riddled with political agendas and
corporate greed that served the rich and punished the poor. Punishment that
came in the form of death, injuries, maimed bodies and screwed up minds.
So now it comes down to what we
know to be an insane war fought somewhere most people today have already
forgotten. Why are American soldiers who engaged in a brutal war for years
being punished for their loyalty and devotion to God and Country? Why does duty
have such a bitter taste in my mouth, or is it the guilt that puts the salt in
the wounds and cause us to suffer until eternity?
It is with high hopes that after
reading my book, you become somewhat better educated, aware and cognizant of
how the soldier’s mind was twisted, tortured and damaged by the war and its
visual, mental and physical distortions as well as the fact that no human being
can endure such an assault or onslaught on their humanity and morals without
denting or impacting their reality where they have been and what they have
This does not mean that I am
making excuses for those who became criminals under our system of laws. The
laws are there for a purpose. At the same time, the laws should distinguish the
difference between mental illness and evil. I believe there are too many
veterans locked up in jails and prisons who are not evil but in their own
world, did things that they thought were normal or without malice or
indiscriminate harm towards others.
Excluding those who plan or
commit premeditated crimes, I believe many others are victims of a subjective
prosecutor, jury or judge who do not understand how the mind breaks down when
exposed to harsh and toxic conditions day after day, year after year, without
rest, sleep, a relief of psychological guilt or anxiety and more.
On a case by case basis, we would
find many veterans who served with honor during their tour of duty, who gave
their all in any way they could or felt it should have been delivered or done
but labeled evil and put away for crimes, punishable by many years behind bars
with no chance for treatment or recovery of their own losses.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Purging Experience and Leadership in the ADOC
As the Arizona’s Department of Corrections (ADOC) suffers
daily staff shortages and critical mass situations, the control of the agency
has fallen under the control of Republican legislators and our Governor who
occupy the offices that funds and oversees such public services. Within this
email, I want to relay some concerns that demonstrates the emasculation of our
correctional forces and the tempting desire to destroy it for reasons that
point to the proliferation for more private prison services.
While the services of correctional services have long been
inadequate and insufficient for public and employee safety, there has been a
weak attempt to recruit and select qualified personnel of integrity and honor
needed to fill such positions. In the meantime, the agency has replaced and
purged qualified and good men and women with strong integrity & values from
administrative ranks and replaced them with individuals who share the desire of
the power brokers to devastate the agency into ruins and allow privatization to
pick up the tab for public safety of our prisons.
Since 2009, we have endured the increasing influence of new
politically correct guidelines but was ultimately given one that was simply too
offensive to the men and women in key administrative and mid-level supervisory
positions, creating a mass exodus of qualified people through early retirements
or resignations.
In the meantime, we are under assault of more PC directives
that are insufficient to protect the lives of staff and inmates and directly
impacts good public safety. We should all take notice. The director took a
sworn oath of office to uphold the state constitution and the US Constitution.
This oath has been denigrated and indicates that the governor needs to
re-evaluate his positon on public prisons and remove the current director from
A purge of experience is never good. If it continues, what
will the agency be like in a few more years?
Whenever this matter comes up, the union and every officer,
are told not to talk to the media or press about the staff shortage situation
as well as the deterioration of the agency from within as infra-structures are
seriously suffering major damages and no repairs are in sight for such
recoveries. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job just
keep your mouth shut. Now this trend appears to be accelerating.
Since Charles Ryan took office, former Governor Brewer and
present governor Ducey have given him free rein in destroying the agency for
the betterment of privatization. The more the public prisons failed, the better
the private industry looks from their view. Things have gotten so bad during
this purge that people are starting to speak out about the atrocities and
mismanagements when silence was kept intact before.
Today there is a deliberate attempt to reshape our prison
systems and the change or reform will be justified through administrative or
management failures. Every day, they are removing those who don’t follow or
adhere to the new policies written to appease failure. This administration
protects their own with stalled requests for public document information and
In an election
climate that reeks of economic chaos, we may be overlooking a greater threat to
our future. Diversity has been replaced by division of the rank and file.
Employees wounded or injured in workplace violence or attacks are being denied
reasonable accommodations to heal and return to full duty in an effort to
identify as the workplace violence as an acceptable condition of employment.
This includes blunt trauma, sharpened instruments or prison made knives, rapes,
physical and sexual assaults and many more.
Under the leadership of Charles Ryan, the agency has
suffered as never before. He instituted an insane policy which has caused an
unprecedented number of staff and inmate suicides and PTSD rates among our
state employees and depression and anxiety in their families. The public is
unwise and heeds no attention to the failures related to the Parsons vs. Ryan
healthcare lawsuit but the families of these victims have reached out to many legislators,
attorneys, or some news reporters, to have someone help their sons and
daughters inside prisons.
The officers are being grossly neglected. They haven’t
received a raise since 2007 and more cuts are coming, and the administration
actually admits losing more than 500 officers in the past years and re-arranges
staffing patterns to pat the numbers on paper but leaving officers dangerously
low or short on shifts. This loss is blamed on legislative cuts but in all
reality, the culture of the agency drives people away and hampers legitimate
recruitment attempts to hire new employees.
Just as frightening is the lack of experience or expertise
in the agency. Leadership is lacking and poor decisions are made by those on
the front lines responding to critical incidents that result in life and death
Through their silence on the matter, a majority of the media
are complicit in the cover-ups of events happening inside our prisons. Add
those legislators who turn a blind eye to the matter and we should think, that
should be enough – and refusing to at least give it a shot to investigate this
deficiency in our state prison system is scandalous.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Boredom - Spontaneous and Solicited
and Solicited Boredom inside a Prison
getting into the morality or veracity of how prisons are being run or operated
and whether or not they are within our legitimately statutory or constitutional
guidelines in reference to human rights and confinement conditions decreed by
the courts, it has been widely expressed that under the dehumanizing conditions
of prison life, it is reasonable to say that the state of boredom has come to
pervade the experience of everyday life inside the penitentiary.
collective boredom can be the trigger mechanism to spawn not only moments of
illicit excitement (as prisons are schools of enhanced criminality as well as a
house of repentance) but larger arenas of short-lived crimes committed against
boredom itself, but a stimulus for a larger flow or migration of political and
cultural rebellion spread out over time sentenced and served.
it is safe to describe this collection of boredom inside a large jail or prison
as an institutionalized form of boredom due to ambient beats or tones in
relationship to its various sets of rules and cultural behaviors in various
levels of societal expectations or innovations.
penal system has a brand or culture of its own and fosters daily under the
pressure of mental stress, intellectual excitement (thrill seekers or adrenalin
junkies) and therefore offers a rebellion of its own at times. Hence, a collective
or institutional boredom is an overall form of a human(s) engagement(s) with
time, space, rules, criminality and other factors explored to determine what
prisoners do when they get bored.
out in the streets, institutional boredom can be destructive in nature and
needs to be addressed to avoid social disruptions or criminal activities from
taking over their efforts to do their time constructively and with some
acceptable form of rehabilitative efforts to come out a reformed person.
who denies that boredom does not impact criminality, violence, property
destruction, disturbances or other negative environmental dynamics has not
studied the mannerism of those incarcerated for a lengthy amount of time and
how they do their time. take into consideration a few other factors to add to
the triggers of boredom and you have yourself a collective cause that are the
basic foundation of crimes, riots, looting and destruction of property when
activated under another reason or pretense.
can be quickly accelerated into a vested ‘interest’ to participate and cause or
create a larger scene. One can invest in the act of incitement by merely
shouting encouragement or actually act out with their own activities or engagements
demonstrating approval, cohesion and rebellion.
is how the boredom is quickly and spontaneously spread into an organized or
collective effort to exhibit a sense of approval, whatever the cause, grievance
or complaint might be at the time of such demonstrations. Even tacit approval,
by silence, can bring a collective effort to its peak or climax if the tone and
energy afforded and applied matches the wills of those participating.
can come in many forms – (chants) talk along, mocking or repeating, laughing
and yelling or some other form of human engagement that displays some sort of
anthem or affirmation of something e.g. allegiance through a show of
cohesiveness and heavy taunting. This is especially true in gangs.
through some common or conflicting gang audiences, this method of communicating,
may in fact be translated into lyrics, or [rap] songs that represent their
moods or ideologies with a pretense or disguise these lyrics are just that,
songs, but in reality their mantra for behaviors and claiming or expressing
their membership of the gang.
collective boredom strategies may be a form of organizing or dis-organizing
illicit or unauthorized gatherings while reinstating their presence and body of
force and power / control on those present at the time including correctional
staff. In a prison setting this could be done even when every individual is
locked up in a single cell as they collectively chant or taunt those who oppose
them. Thus the freedom to join in these impulses is solicited and inviting a common
cause or resistance.
such activists or instigators are in reality a symptomatic example of other
problems that should not be ignored in everyday existence. Remember that
everything in human life exists within the boundaries of buying and selling; a
web of exploitative and demeaning activities and behaviors that undermine the
security and order of any facility.
their mere example of behavior, they could trigger or force a demonstration of
resistance that threatens the everyday routine of any large jail or prison and
if not picked up, could cause apocalyptic consequences. Most people would heed
such a warning and alert those in charge something is happening and the place
is filled with a banner of subversive activities. A ghost of things to come
that is ever present in every penal institution everywhere.
cultural undercurrent must be observed or detected to avoid a more aggressively
animated unexpected uprising. The disregarding of such behaviors allows tension
and other stressors to percolate and if it remains unaddressed, it serves as a
fuel by creating an incendiary cultural dogma of the group’s desired wishes or
demands to be heard or mediated with in order to resolve any undetermined
grievances before the place blows up.
cannot deny that whenever such howling incantations of these type of activities
are present, there is in fact a critique that turns out or reveals that boredom
or too much leisure time was directly involved in such demonstrations. Hopefully,
nobody will say that boredoms are minor details and address such conditions in
a timely manner with secondary points of interest to discuss or mediate for resolution.
is the tool of insurgents. The politics of boredom straddle criminality and
excitement. Boredom may be displayed as graffiti, vandalism, fights, theft,
sexual assaults and much more. With the agenda of mass incarceration and
overpopulated jails and prisons, boredom has emerged as some sort of motive for
aggression and a conceptual building block for activism and critique of the
environment. This by itself allows boredom to expand into broader social and cultural
condition at the whim of the activists or demonstrators.
in mind, revolutions are real or imagined creations for the possibilities to
change social and political justice. There is a strong relationship between
boredom, revolutions or disruptions and criminality. Having the condition of
boredom multiplies exponentially the reasons for incitement, excitement and is
implicit in institutionalized worlds like prisons.
based on penitentiary related customs and practices, there is a precarious tradition
to destroy or riot whenever conditions are unsatisfactory or when faced with
any other pragmatic situation that may need attention.
as defined inside a large jail or prison could encompass features such as bureaucratic
rationalization, too much efficiency, excessive routinization, excessive or insufficient
regulation, too much standardization and others familiar to stifle the human engagement
to be productive or creative whenever incarcerated for a long period of time.
more repetitive the environment is, the more boredom is created and thus the
population senses no progress and becomes idle and frustrated. In plain English
– whenever overcome by the dulling sameness of the day, the more boredom is
at last is the paradox of boredom and institutionalization – the agency wants
regulation and consistency in their programs – the population suffers on
sameness and dullness. Thus the challenge is to emerge with some human measures
of worth, values and address the quirks of individualities and create some
incentive to provide a personal innovation to combat boredom.
into consideration that obedience to rules and regulation is rationalized as
success, this process takes away the independence of minds and creates problems
for the rulebooks due to misbehaviors and other resistance motives. Therefore,
an unusual rise or growth in disciplinary or misconduct is a red flag for
potential disruptions within the population.
should be measured in defusing or recover a sustainable balance for moderation
and at the same time, find things to do in everyday life to counter-point the
dullness and make the individual existence meaningful with some kind of approved
democratic participation in the construction of their everyday life.
administration should find a balance between legitimate mental exertions and
physical or labor interests inside their facilities eliminating or reducing
negative forces that exert hate or discernment, personal discouragement and
irrational thinking and emotional disruptions which do not escape and escalate
with due time.
public schools serve as rehearsal halls for mental hospitals and jails/prisons
emerge as training centers for boredom through the enforcement of a tedium
agenda. To repeat this trajectory from schools to prisons is a dangerous path
to continue on as it has an emotional buildup that is rarely addressed through
constructive means or programs.
today are being programmed and orientated into a state of disciplined
efficiency. Working assembly lines or fast food franchises are mass-producing
instruments of boredom and when re-instituted inside a jail or prison, the
process is continued without any freedom for individuality to appear and
invigorate the mind and body onto a new path.
can begin to see how the mechanics of conformity create a schedule of dullness
and sameness to a large degree in the everyday life and more so inside a prison.
This would be a positive attribute if the population was to remain under some
level of mind control or a rigid trained insightful means of behaving but the
fact is, in order to prepare them for release, we have to find ways to cut out
the rigidities of their sameness and create individuals who may think and
behave to conform to society’s rules which are much more liberal and filled
with more freedoms than inside the joint.
an alternative, we must seek an open circle of control rather than the closed
circle they [prisoners] have been orientated under and conformed to strict
rules while incarcerated. This could be addressed through custody levels as the
lower custody levels allow more individuality than the higher more rigid
custody levels.
shows that boredom creates alienation, estrangement of relationships etc. as
their minds are not adequately occupied. It would appear that if there was some
change infused into the everyday life the monotony is reduced, and relief is
found making it more bearable and creative that may even include some
excitement for the lack of a better word.
into the emotional aspect of boredom, we find despair as one fatalistic element
as well as resistance. This would be exasperated for those who are mentally ill
and contemplate suicide. One can create radicalism through boredom as those who
resist boredom seek alternatives that are either constructive or destructive in
is another aspect of boredom. The idea to interrupt the normal or sameness
experienced daily becomes a challenge to disrupt to interrupt life’s
mind-numbing repetition. Researchers argue that boredom is indeed a
counter-revolutionary device meaning it might mean a fight against the
dehumanizing process of standardization.
advantage of some traditionally situated individuals who serve in the armed
forces is the fact that they may be sparked or stimulated by the chance of war,
deployment, combat or anything else that differs from everyday life. Thus life
is calculated by situations that produce risks and uncertainties.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Love Yourself - real world, fake people = tallking to the mirror
Real World, Fake People – Talking to
the Mirror
Desperate times call for desperate actions or so we are told. So many are
so desperate to be liked or socially accepted, they engage in counterfeit
behaviors and personalities to become more about them then themselves. Once involved
in this bogus promise to be someone else, you lose all your social safety nets
and expose yourself to sorrow and pain at a dime’s notice. In other words, you
become a controlled puppet of false expectations.
So you become a lying hypocrite begging for more attention and
self-importance as you dwell into the jungle of delusional manipulators who
have nothing in common with you except your ego. Day after day, you promise
yourself to maintain the unjustified status of your falsehood and fakery to
please yourself and ignoring the facts around you that you are a lie to
everybody around you.
You believe they love you and accept you for who you are when in fact,
you have lied about everything that you pretended to be. As you seek unflinching
support around you, your social circle narrows down to a few who call you a
friend but somehow, you are something or someone they need in their fake lives
as they leech off others fakery to justify their own.
Some seek the help of anti-depressants and others go to therapy to deal
with their problems but in the end, the only solution left on the table is to
get away from the garbled rants and raves of those you associate with daily and
stop the needless spending of those luxuries that are not the necessities you
need in life to be happy.
Through the medication or fake relationships, your ego is satisfied they
love you for who you are and that they are with you because you told them what
they wanted to hear as in reality, nothing genuine has been said or done. Finding
yourself deeper in vanity’s debt, you become aware that this debt can never be
paid off, which in essence is the fall of your own existence as a person.
A real person, not someone on a forged expedition in life, and who has a
brain, would have to wonder why anyone would ever support such a facile rant or
rave to be so ignorant of what is happening. Living with false flags all around
them, it becomes harder to recognize the truth as time goes on and somehow,
they never learn to pull themselves out of this charade of life.
To call a fake person a dim-wit would be in entirety, an understatement
as they left an undeniable trail of fraudulent friends along the way to the
realization of who they really are. But just as scary as it is, the bizarre
re-entry into the real world when your mind adapts to common sense and allows
you to see life as it really exists and brings your feelings and emotions back
to where they belonged all the time.
This re-entry shouldn’t be much of a surprise to those who really know
you well enough to see how you have changed and now back to where you belong. The
sudden emergence of intelligence and sound thoughts enlighten hope that from
now on, you will tell people exactly what you want them to hear and not what
they want to hear.
Throwing caution to the wind, you have seen the dark side of this journey
to the other side where life is nothing but phony and surrounded by die-hard
supporters of such behaviors. No longer a great believer in the art of deception
you no longer support the chicanery that has mired you for so long in a lost
world that never offered you any hope or success of happiness. After surviving
your stint in hell, you now feel the genuine concern for other people and their
Your mind, no longer out to lunch,
has learned you possess a verifiable level of competence to be real and sincere
in a world that is filled with lies and hypocrisy. You have avoided an inevitable
catastrophe to occur as you now live a life that is no longer a lie and the lives
of those around you are now recognized to be real as well as a match in made in
heaven. This is how the world is, this is how your future unfolds as you stand
before the elongated mirror and say to yourself, “mirror mirror, on the wall,
who am I, really” and sigh with relief the answer stands right before you.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Stalked by demons - Guarded by Angels
There was a time in my life when I had doubts about God and His Angels
were protecting me and offering me their commitment to be my guardians during
my troublesome journeys. I had chosen paths that needed extra hands to ensure
that I would not be trapped or struck by any evil Demons or stones. I was only
19 and I feared the imminent death that had been promised me by my call to duty
as a young person never engaged in anything violent or combat before and I had
to learn how to fight even better than before.
For a number of times, I feared the shadow of death as I felt it following
me closely and never leaving my side; I could feel the cold and numbness in my
hands, my head as it never eased my mind and while I slept, I kept one eye open
just in case a Demon had found its way past the Angel by my side.
I questioned my faithfulness; I questioned my heart as the fear tore at me
from the inside. I learned to pray on my knees as I asked for blessings of life
to keep me going for the following year. A year of hell, no chance I would get
a reprieve from the war and pain and sorrow that was threatening to take away
my tomorrow. But time gave me hope that I would learn to accept my fate and
destiny as God had designed his plan for me and slowly I felt like I was
sitting next to a guardian Angel. A comrade in hell who knew me well inside and
out, wet or dry, in light and darkness – this Angel stood by me unconditionally.
As the war progressed, the heated battle became worse and darker for me as
time took away my emotions and chilled my heart putting out the fire that was
my passion of life inside of me. No chance of getting out of my promise or oath
of allegiance to carry on the good fight, I dwelled in darkness more than in
the light, even with my guardian Angel by my side.
So as I felt the Demons tugging at my heart and soul, I heard the warning
signs of God’s power through His Angel who never left my side. When I stood on
a narrow ledge, it would hover above me like a shield and when I was wading
through the water, it followed me relentlessly no matter how deep it was or how
wide we had to travel.
Tired or mentally fatigued to the point of sheer exhaustion, my Angel
carried me along until it was time to stop and regroup or turn in for the
evening. Closing both eyes tightly, I knew I was covered by His Angel and not
scared to rest and do it all over again tomorrow. The lightning in the sky, the
thunder of the mass dropped B52 bombs dropping from the air and shaking the
ground with deafening explosions afar coming nearer and nearer as the day or
night progressed. Never a moment to reap any real deep sleep, my relationship with
God grew stronger as His Angel became bolder and carried me safely or protected
me from the Demons around me.
Not once did I reach the other side; not once was I tempted to travel the
road of darkness as my Angel guided my heart and soul to the light and kept me
going towards the end of the valley of death where I no longer feared any evil.
If I walked down the wrong path, I often drifted in thought and a force would
grab me to get my attention. Sometimes, my Angel carried me to lighten my feet
and other times it just found a safe and dry place for me to rest my head under
the monsoon rains of the past.
In the end, my tour was over, me and my Angel went home and never looked
back to those days in hell and despair. If it wasn’t for my Angel, I would have
thought about abandoning God and run away from the spirits that I knew could
save me but with the Demons fought off by my Angel, my life turned out right
and now I see that it was my Lord and Savior who provided me the protection of
a guardian Angel.
God Speaks Through a Sparrow -
God Speaks Through a Sparrow -
Ever since I was ten years old, living in Ohio, I have
been at awe of the small and delicate Sparrow. Lately, as I spend more time
sitting and watching out of the window and sitting on the front porch, I
honestly feel a strange vibration inside of me when I see these tiny creatures
fly around and scampering for food or chirping in the wind.
This feeling became more intense a few days ago when I
found a tiny Sparrow wedged between my car’s side window and my mirror. I
noticed it dark at night when its feathered were ruffled by the wind as I
pulled the car over to take a look and see how badly it was hurt from hitting
my car.
Taking it in my hand carefully, making sure I didn’t
force any movement in case it had broken bones or wings, I took it home as it
was obviously stunned from the impact of landing on my moving car. All the
while I was holding it in my cupped hands, it was staring at me, peering its
pain and mercy at my heart.
I know that all my life, God has blessed me with animals
in my life. Animals that have shown great love towards me and my family. In
return, I hope I gave them the best of my love as well. The day after I took
the little bird into my care for an overnight sanctuary to keep it safe, I
hoped it would recover and fly away the next morning. I gave it some fruit and
moistened dog food to feed it overnight with a shallow bowl of water in case it
needed a drink.
The next early morning, just about sunrise, I took the
little Sparrow into the early sunlight of the morning sun and let the sun warm
its tiny little body with its ruffled feathers. Eyes blinking quickly and its
neck roving around to see if there were any dangers, it scoped the ground and
the sky and took off to try to fly. It landed a few feet from where it started
as it circled back to where it took off right by my feet.
The little Sparrow landed directly in front of me but the
little bird kept his distance but I worried it would hurt itself more so I put
it back into the box to give it more time to heal. Perhaps it was still too dark
for it to fly and so I wanted to wait until the sun set higher in the sky. I
let the sun warm the Sparrow up a little bit longer. About 2 hours later, I
opened up the box and handled the Sparrow carefully placing in on the moist dew
covered grass.
Strangely it moved a little closer to me and then,
suddenly it took off and flew up in the front lawn tree. I couldn’t help but be
intrigued how strong and brave the little guy was but was elated he flew and he
seemed able to handle flight better than a few hours before.
Then, unexpectedly, he came out of the tree and I felt
like he wanted to fly on my shoulder as it zipped by me in flight and landed on
the front porch where we began this test of flight. His eyes blinking, his head
moving and his feet steady, he looked at me, gave me a wink and flew off into
the distance.
This Sparrow was never afraid of me and I somehow felt
like it was safe by my side. I felt like it was God showing me that we weren't
alone and that helping this little Sparrow was how he spoke to me and gave me
the reassurances that He is always there when we need him or when His little
creatures need the help of humans.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Modern Civilization is Falling -
the Final Chapter
The only distinction between the past and the modern world today is the historical significance of the events of the past and how it primarily impacted the creation of relative and new or recent revolutionary changes in cultures and norms. Although scientifically we have made advances in all areas of human productivity and focused on politics, industry, economic and commerce abilities to transport and communicate growth and development through research we have encompassed other realms of society such as medicine, technology and various cultures to transform the old to the new world or for the sake of a more familiar term, a New World Order.
The means to establish suitable political allies in the world to accomplish such feats as acculturation is remarkable and took a very long time to develop, implement and now watch it grow. When you look at all the players involved, you will see that they all played a significant role in the development of civilization through the centuries as well.
Over the years, there have been new codes added to create a more modern globalized world order. It is just a matter of time before that existence becomes active as there are strong influences today to accommodate such a drastic change at the costs of American freedoms and liberties. A direct attack on our Constitution is required to make these changes to happen and that has already happened in the Supreme Court as well as the lackadaisical Congress that has 80 percent of its members to be labeled incompetent, corrupted or openly branded traitors to the American way of life and justice systems have been corrupted and dismantled to incarcerate the many who resist these changes.
By not doing their jobs, they have misconfigured the balance between the three branches of government and allowed inconsistencies with our US Constitution to exist or be carried out by government officials acting on the behalf of the elite. Modern civilization, through the development of science and technology have learned how to mask, conceal or hide corruptive and malfeasant behaviors from the public eye. In addition, the media has been bought out by the elite to print or report what is conducive to their success and minimize collateral damage incurred either in war or economic stress.
Encryption of much of the communication today hides the plot to plan a new order without interferences. Unless someone understands the code, there are no leaks to what is being developed right under our noses. It is no wonder; government wants to take control of this art of breaking communication codes to suit their own needs to know what is going on around them under the pretense of a war on terror.
Stockpiling weapons for warfare has put our elite into a position of power through the facilitating empowerment to governments to control their military strength. Warfare has dramatically changed with the advent of new varieties of electronic and stealth-like weapons. Weapons of mass destruction, such as the nuclear bomb and similar WMD are commonly found in stockpiles around the world, along with chemical weapons and biological weapons, have actually made possible the devastation of the entire planet at will.
Medicine now creates opportunities between life and death; whosoever controls the medicines of the world, controls the world as long as they remain in control of their military arsenal along this plan. Inventions continue to proliferate and soon, life can be extended either physically or through artificial intelligence robotic machines using humans as their prototypes. In the meantime, there are mass nutritional and physical deteriorations impacting our society today to stave off growth as population control is on the agenda as well.
However, the most significant progress made has been in culture. The decline of the old and the infusion of the new has created new attitudes and behaviors that caused the decline of traditional religious beliefs and their associated churches. It has in fact, created a series of great and fatal hostility to cause the Western beliefs to be in direct confrontation with the Eastern half of the world changing the way people are interacting and stirring wars among various nations in conflict with such influences.
The equality of the sexes, same sex marriages and other sexual or gender topics have caused great division in society as one group is pitted against the other. In all areas related to sexual behaviors, all movements have been liberated in nature and detrimental to any moral cause or sinful definition of the Christian believers or those who preach the Bible and its scriptures or commandments.
In general, these views have changed all aspects of our society. The psychology of man has been typified as normal when before the actions or behaviors were deemed to be abnormal. Either through art, the media or other psychological tools of manipulation and brain washing, there has been a deliberate re-shaping of the reality of the world we live in and changing perceptions to make them the new truth.
Questioning perceptions is the fundamental nature of man by itself thus either they doubt what they see or hear or they go along with the message. Thus we are hampered by truths and untruths and history itself is now becoming confusingly distorted as it is being rewritten in our own lifetime.
Today, there are less people questioning perceptions than ever before. Ultimately, the future of civilizations may depend on the answer to whether history progresses as a series of random events, or whether it has design and purpose, known by religious people as divine providence is real or fabricated to accomplish the changes desired by the elite.
If one studied civilization at any point, there will be agreement on the cycle of life, death, decline and birth of civilizations in the past. This cannot be disputed. What men have learned from such cycles is very essential to the ultimate plan to globalize the world into a new order. In this way, some countries were more creative than others, while others were more adaptive to new ideas. Calling it lessons learned, this newly formed civilization is using new creative ideas learned from the past of human behaviors to overcome challenges and allow growth.
A slow but deliberate rigid and regulated transformation to meet the ultimate design is required to do this cultural change with a minimal amount of conflict or blowback. A growth however, stimulates the new concept better than the refusal to grow as that would ultimately result in the decline of a civilization as it stood on the record. Currently, some believe that the world is undergoing another transformation, in which civilizations are entering the stage of the informational society. An instant gratification entitlement generational gap with the others that might disrupt the transformational plans as they are unpredictable and volatile in nature. Through this informational society, conflict could in fact be established through revolution and resistance.
If this informational society can be controlled by the elite through governing electronic or digital information systems, then the creation of a new order might in fact be successful. This control in technology is the prime and dubious objective of the adversarial world we live in today. The elite need to control the internet and social communication tools to accomplish their goals.
However, truthfully, there can be no mass resistance, no revolution without the most important element of this cultural phenomenon. Realistically, the most important aspect of future civilizations will depend on every man, woman and child to maintain control over their own individual abilities to independently and unabatedly grow on the internal mindset level (psychological, social, especially spiritual) is also needed for any civilization to avoid both a stagnation of freedoms and a decline of liberties to act out on their own free-will.
Has Civilization Surrendered? Part III – What is Acculturation
Using the wider
argument that explains motives and justifications for such clashes and
conflicts, we have to accept the fact that the concept of modern civilization
is merely a fabricated perception, created by the elite or establishment to
make us think the way they want us to think.
Like sheep, led
to slaughter, it simply means that through their manipulation, their
justification to take away our freedom is for our own good, the survival of the
human race, and that this justification for globalization includes colonialism
of free men, women and children, tyranny, genocide where deemed necessary or
requirement to cleanse the races and coercive acculturation, assimilation or
adaptation to meet their new standards.
Without most
individuals realizing the process taking place, there has occurred a
psychological change that has changed our culture dramatically. Through coercion,
manipulation and the alteration of facts or truths, our elite and government
officials have changed the standards of interacting cultures and set a new
tolerance, and a new meaning to the altered culture, customs and social groups
or entities involved by design.
It is still the
same concept as it was in the beginning. Setting up new measures of psychological
acceptance standards, changes in diets or foods, clothing and languages that
trumps the previous culture and begins a designed trend for future coercive
measure to bring everybody on board in compliant behaviors. One culture wanting
to dominate the others through whatever means is available as laws are changed
to accommodate their needs and recurving the old to a new cultural acceptance
One way to expedite such
acculturation is to mix minorities or immigrants, refugees and other indigenous
people into a society and allowing them to adapt and accept some practices to
pretend to live in harmony but eventually be in a political and legal position
to impose their new will or culture on the old.
This is happening as we live today
in a government imposed “refugee” programs to create relief for people coming from
war-torn areas in the other parts of the world. In time, the new culture will
become the majority through rapid breeding, political pandering and adjustment
of freedoms and statutory rules that endeavors foreign interest more than the
domestic interest or population. At the very least, it will weaken the existing
culture into a clash with the new culture causing an unsuccessful assimilation
process but justifying the use of force to leverage the new change into a
This intensive change is active and
working as designed in many parts of the USA today with careful selection of geographic
areas weak in resistance to change and political interests or government business.
This coercive plan to acculturate the
population is done through an internal manifestation of altering new values for
our society.
A process that takes decades and now
close to being complete as we monitor the last stages of cultural differences running
in accordance with new standards or psychological and physical societal
attributes specifically in toolmaking foods or agriculture, design or
reconstruction of government buildings or architectures of mosques, technology
in surveillance and internet controls, urban planning, social structuring or
domestic laws that allows what was previously denied under law and much more.
This new
culture, forming and acculturating rapidly impacts social standards and norms
of behavior, customs and traditions, values, ethics, morality and religious
beliefs. Whatever was unacceptable in the past, may in fact become a new norm
of the future and held as common ground in specific members of the new society
formed in compliance with the overall goals of proliferation and domination of
people around the world.
Thus we have
touched on the essence of civilization and how it is repeatedly manipulated,
history re-written with truths retooled to cause hate and dissention, the
digestion or restriction (food withheld) of essential crop grown foods and the
implementation of new psychological standards of diagnosed mindsets to justify
incarceration or deny the ownership of property including firearms creating a
greater dependence on the government.
There is no
doubt there is a chemical influence as well to alter the minds to see how these
changes are beneficial to total control of the populace. Food especially will
be genetically altered and produced with desired side-effects to impact the
mind and physical abilities to resist adversity or force. A weakened
civilization is easier to conquer and with less force than anticipated in the
past. A Trojan horse you might say.
The destruction
of capitalism is designed to implement socialism. There will be no food surplus
and if there is, it will be controlled like oil, gas and other natural
resources, including water. There will be a new form of monetary exchange
whether it be the gold standard, the silver or other forms of values
implemented to universally make one paper bill be equal all the way around the
world as a new order banking system is put into place.
In the
meantime, the destruction of Christianity stands to lose to the more dominant
Islam populations as the sheer numbers allow domination or genocide of
non-Islam worshippers and create one religion to abide to and or serve.
Religion that will serve as a control for social interactions, norms, leisure,
art, rationalism of ideologies and specific political mechanism that abide by
the religion in control or in this case, Sharia Law would be impose to replace constitutional
law, Biblical commandments and English law of the past.
Today, many societies
live in states and according to their individual mandated laws. The political
structures of this ‘new civilization’ will be superimposed on their way of
life, and so they occupy a middle ground between formerly civilized and now
newly civilized.
An evolution
that may cause a revolution if resistance is too strong or awe-inspiring
creating an ethical consciousness called
patriotism, thus creating a need for martial law to be imposed weight to
ensure the finality of the outcome of compliance and domination. This new
civilization will permeate every aspect of life. It will dominate life to such
an extent, that all monuments and buildings that have survived the past will
now be torn down.
For example,
the Confederate flag and the civil war statues are coming down as well as any
stone or tablet containing the Ten Commandments. Teachers will perform social
functions, including religious rites and offer advice in order to remain in good
standings with societal norms created.
One more word
of warning on this process of Acculturation. It was originally designed to
flood the USA with immigrants from Mexico and Central and Southern America and
cause a flood of cultural clashes but as the assimilation became unexpectedly fruitful
and actually harmonious in spirit and coexistence they turned to the Middle
East and Asia to create ‘refugee’ programs.
The government
had to alter course and find a new group to invade the USA as these Central and
South American societal groups reverberated on their own cultures strong enough
to survive the unexpected endearment of their illegal status but not
detrimental enough to cause a disruption among the general population as they
shared too many religious and societal cultures to fight each other to the
level designed.
Has Civilization Surrendered? Part II – A Prophecy of Cultural Clashes
serves culture as a means to label or tag groups of men, women and children as
those humans associated with the differences between them and others. Human species
divided by race, religion, color or otherwise living in common but divided
nevertheless. One can even pit the Western civilization versus the Eastern
civilization and draw the differences to justify acts of war, destruction or
But realistically,
one needs not to travel too far to find such deliberate indifferences and
intolerances of such emotions and specifications of judgment on men, women and
children, as it happens here in the United States daily. We have seen a country
divided by race, religion, political influences and other negative vibrations
and perceptions destroying the moral fiber of a once proud and strong nation
that stood united under most circumstances.
In today’s
civilization, we have lost the civility to be decent, honest people possessed
with love, kindness or compassion for other human beings. We are being taught
hate, indifferences, intolerances and encoded to wipe out the past and begin
anew with new standards.
The purpose of
this self-destruction is to accommodate a greater force or need – globalization
of one civilization. In order to achieve globalization, America must first be
destroyed, reprogrammed, retaught and rethink how the rest of the world lives
and acclimate, assimilate or adjust to their way of life – a new modified
civilization and culture, unlike our own. How will America destroy itself?
Abraham Lincoln
in his own Lyceum Address, said it best when he
spoke and said in parts, “We
find ourselves under the government of a system of political institutions,
conducing more essentially to the ends of civil and religious liberty, than any
of which the history of former times tells us.
We, when mounting
the stage of existence, found ourselves the legal inheritors of these
fundamental blessings. We toiled not in the acquirement or establishment of
them--they are a legacy bequeathed us, by a once hardy, brave, and patriotic, but now lamented and departed race of ancestors. I hope I am over
wary; but if I am not, there is, even now, something of ill-omen, amongst us. I
mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing
disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober
judgment of Courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers
of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it
now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a
violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny. Accounts of
outrages committed by mobs, form the every-day news of the times.
At what point then
is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it
must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our
lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we
must live through all time, or die by suicide. Is it unreasonable then to expect, that some man
possessed of the loftiest genius, coupled with ambition sufficient to push it
to its utmost stretch, will at some time, spring up among us? And when such a
one does, it will require the people to be united with each other, attached to
the government and laws, and generally intelligent, to successfully frustrate
his designs.”
Today, our crossroads are muddied, twisted and
distorted. How we live and how we are governed has falling into the very pit
President Lincoln warned us of when she spoke over one hundred years ago –
civilization in the USA today has now changed its meanings and the way our
government is using our laws, the trampling of our liberties and the censure of
speech, leads us to confusion, misunderstandings enabling tyranny and civil war
amongst us.
All this happening while the government finds this a
great opportunity to impose martial law and control or dominate our society by
force of military forces supported by globalization of other foreign nations
and their military strength to cause us to surrender.
Make no mistake, this is about superiority and not
humanity. Its about domination, not civilization as we once knew it and we
become the barbarians to justify the force against us by our own government and the elite who sponsor such changes. It
is through division that this is made possible. America, once united, now
stands divided.
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