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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Correctional Officers - Co-workers as Psychological Vampires

Do you work around people that ruin your happiness or can’t find happiness of their own? Does your workplace have persons who just hasn’t seen or felt any satisfaction in their own lives and become a huge influence of negativity around you and others that grows stronger and stronger as they suck more victims in? Perhaps you are working with psychological vampires that work hard to take the sunshine out of your life so they can feel better of their own despairs.

As the myth goes, vampires have existed for a long time and exist within many different cultures throughout history. It appears that these vampires have broken through to the other side as they are now becoming a prevalent dynamism to reckon with inside the workplace. These men and women live off others’ psychic energy and can offer you nothing but worries, frustration and false hopes of things getting better. Believe it or not, these kind of vampires do exist.

They are hidden well and often difficult to spot or identify as they blend into the environment without casting shadows. Sometimes they are your friends or are in the process and work hard to win your favor. Sometimes they are helpers and other times they are your bosses. Their personalities appear to be dynamic, intelligent and nice to you and others but deceit is a common denominator among them. 

Once you let them enter your world, you will quickly fall victim of being lethargic and tired of what never bothered you before and evolve into a person with low esteem as well as a low level of resilience that robs you of your energy and subconscious. When the nighttime comes, they come out in a manner that is classic of all vampires and take away your efforts to replenish yourself with positive energy leaving your feeling helpless sometimes as they wear you down.

Vampires come into your life offering you something, sometimes they come bearing a gift or they do you a great favor. Sometimes they are helpers. They seem more dynamic, intelligent and nicer than others. They seem bigger than life, they shine because they cast no shadow. A vampire does not own their shadow qualities. Once you let them into your life, you will notice a feeling of tiredness, a sense of low self-esteem and a need to replenish yourself often.

Not exclusive of the nighttime they can show up anytime even on a sunny day. Oblivious to the light, they work hard to take the sunshine away from your life. When they arrive, they fit in like a classic symbol of sleep. You can resist a vampire by remaining conscious and awake. Being susceptible and vulnerable to these kind of vampires is a reality.

In fact, there are times when you vulnerability gives them the precise moment or opportunity to invade your body and mind with the kind of characteristics that resemble love or compassion but are in fact the opposite.  Rather than being the cure for what ails you they are the disease you need to be aware of at all times. Courting them is a big mistake and can have serious implications when you do and fall victim to the game.

Psychological vampires come to you looking for love and power. When they can’t find their own they seek the attention of another to develop an internal relationship that leeches off your emotions and taps it into theirs. They use the power you have since they have none to attain the things they want but unable to grasp onto because of their vileness and dissatisfying attitudes. They are filled with entitlements and take away your belongings as they manipulate you into giving to them everything you own.


Some vampires become correctional officers because they believe that when they are helping someone they know they can obtain energy from others and it is easier to do inside such a captive environment. These creatures often lecture you with their self-established wisdoms and appear overly nice or helpful but in reality they take your mind and spirit as their payment for such feats.

There must be caution in the wind as they can also be predacious in nature and siphon your energy before you realize it. They are hyper workers that pay attention to details and never miss a thing you do if it can benefit them. So how does a psychological vampire act? These are the common traits of a vampire:

             Obsessive compulsive with Borderline Personality disorders

             Narcissistic in nature and love themselves more than others

             Have many broken relationships

             Non-committal and procrastinators in their own lives

             Intimidating and apply bully-like behaviors

             Suffocating others and dominating so you can’t breathe on your own

             Use weaknesses as the pathway into your life or relationship

             Ask a lot of personal questions and want to get to know you better

             Victimize others to make themselves feel better about themselves

             Knowledge gives them power

Last but not least these kind of vampires are heartless and unfeeling to your human emotional needs as they work hard to drain you every chance they get. They seek unconditional and unquestionable love, something they can’t give themselves but rely on others to fulfill their needs. Since they are likeable and plentiful around you it is important you pay attention to these kind of personalities and behaviors. Remember they size you up for your strengths and weaknesses and use every bit of it against you when the time is right for them.

Their attacks appear to be subtle snide remarks or comments that undermines your self-worth and deflates your ego. They seem to be offering you something but in reality give you nothing in return. They can’t handle the truth and want nothing to do with hearing what is wrong with them but are quick to criticize others. Thinking that if they can exist among you for any prolonged periods of time, you will eventually accept them and at that point, whatever you do is for them and your long term health has been jeopardized and impaired without your knowing that the source of such detrimental effects are the vampires that surround you and bleed you daily so they can exist and be satisfied never seeing their own shadows.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Correctional Officers – Working inside the Belly of Hell

Correctional Officers – Working inside the Belly of Hell


Not much has been said about working inside the penitentiaries. The press is unkind to those that walk this blue line. Not much talk among those that work there either. The silence is deafening as the work within the belly of this place is pure Hell and works on your brain like drugs cooks the human mind. Many have been able to separate their body from the mind or the temptation made upon their souls but in the end it always makes you think about what you do for a living and how it impacts your own life working among the demons cast into a pit of fire called Hell.

Neither a glorious job nor an appreciated one but regardless how the public perceives it, it is certainly a necessary job. Walking inside the belly of Hell takes a very special person as not too many volunteer to do such tasks with negativity and vehemence all around them. Whether a high school graduate, a military veteran or a college graduate they come from all walks of life to work inside the penitentiaries. Their journey begins at the bottom of the devil’s mouth and goes all the way down to the bottomless pit called Hell.

The stench is awful and the air is filled with a noxious gas as the environment is toxic and creates hate, greed, revenge as well as a Hellish blindness for justice for those that live there. This is a journey hardly ever talked about and although the pain inside this Hellish Hole is mainly mental, there is also the physical pain to keep the law in order and the place safe and secure. There are times where the presence of the Creator is absent and the stench of the devil is predominately influencing the actions of others to incite and create a fever of detestation.

The only sounds you will hear are echoes of pain and anguish that surrounds the walls twenty four hours a day and seven days a week without letting up on the madness. The bottom of the pit is no place to be if you are meek and weak. It is not for those that cannot walk alone among the thugs and murderers that live there and prey on every person that enters the pit. Although there is a lot of praying going on in there is little salvation or forgiveness of sins committed as their bones and flesh burn in this Hell Hole.

The power of darkness keeps the evil alive and drowns the spirit of man with pure Hellish hopelessness that the end of suffering will never come. It is not a world you want to be in nor is it a world you can understand unless you walk the beat of those that dare and face the devil in his hour of darkness. One cannot speak of revelations unless they have witnessed what Hell does to men. One cannot write a book or make a record of things unless they witnessed it with they own eyes and ears as your body is actually suspended in a state of animation and takes you to your journey in Hell.

Hell has many faces and consists of many things that others do not want to know about. The public turns their eyes and ears to another direction when the words are spoken and do not want to know the truth or even imagine what you will experience many times over walking this beat. You and your fellow officers will walk through Hell together but you will leave reality behind as no one follows you into the abyss of darkness.

You will never be praised for your courage but you will be condemned if you error your ways. Your soul will be tempted often and sometimes out of body while you do your job and your heart will leave at the gate when you enter the dark house of pain leaving all your senses behind and are comforted by the thoughts of those that share your journey through this house of pain.


 Although you should be afraid, you show no fear for these gateways to Hell makes you stronger and resilient in thought and contrary to expectations, you keep your stride as you walk the beat nobody else wants to travel without a gun or other weapon by their side. You took this job and knew your only comfort was your self-respect and assistance from others to do this job designed in Hell while separated from the rest of the world.

Some penitentiaries are above the ground and others lay far below the ground covered with steel and concrete to hide the sun and earth. You can recognize the peril as you travel the funnels that lead you through long solid corridors that echo your steps as you walk them alone.  These funnels have toxic air that spins the hate, the greed and the urges for revenge as you see only the things others will never see or experience in their lives.  Working inside these gateways to Hell is not for the meek and sorts out the weak as you learn to adapt and survive.

Some funnels resemble tunnels and some are shaped like the worm holes of time. Once you enter these portals there is only one way back out alive. Your mind starts to spin as you meet head on with the sin around you and spirits of the dead embedded in the walls that surround you. You hear the cries and screams of the past as you deal with the evilness and the greyness of the tunnels around you.

Once inside the belly of Hell you will see great sorrow, pathetic sadness and indiscriminate horror. You draw a deep breath and draw one step closer as you rely on yourself to give you strength and protection as you travel the gateways of Hell. Surely you recognize the humans that surround you as society’s castaways and demons with souls that rest in Hell.  The sounds of torment consume you as you shed off your feelings and avoid being taken by the spirits of Hell. You know they are everywhere as you can smell the evilness as a thick green horrible odor that covers the hallways with a stench like no other outside the gates of Hell.

So you walk the green mile over and over without a second thought of its perils and temptations. As an officer of the law you have seen the pits filled with fire and smoke everywhere there are signs of corrupted souls and caged burned skeletons of those of yesterday and never recovered. The red hot coals burn images in your mind as you fight off any temptation to start your own fires and rise up against the evilness around you.  You, just like the burned souls around you, can feel the flames as you walk among those that experienced excruciating pain for committing their crimes against the world. The difference is you get to leave this Hell Hole while those around you must stay there every day and every night.

Many will give Hell and the Devil years of their lives as they were sentenced and  committed by a court of justice to pay back to society their souls and retribution condemned by the righteousness of justice and society and the laws of the land.  You walk from cell to cell and can see many others suffering from great pain and the heat from Hell. Their bones and flesh are scorched and burned from the fire amongst them and their decaying flesh falls right off their bones. Worms and rats are common and depending where you live in Hell scorpions can be found along with other creatures that spew out evil and poison to crawl within you or bite you outside.

Last but not least you brave the lakes of fire covered with smoke as you deal with the cries of regret that surround you. As you pace yourself you come nearer as you can see these burning souls chained together and under the weight of criminality that brought them to this Hell Hole you work in. You are among the unbelievers. They are the lost souls of this earth you have chosen to protect while others chose not to deal with them at all. It is a thankless job and as you walk closer you realize that there are blurred lines that separate the good from the bad and that justice is vicious and unforgiving when thrown into the belly of fire and evil called Hell.



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6 steps to successful team building

Six Steps to Good Team-Building


1.       To start building the team you must seek to lay a solid foundation that offers survivability, loyalty, opportunity and chances for self-growth and team growth.

2.       Building the core values of a team should not include pure political pressures to retain or keep those that don’t hold their own weight to the team concept. Avoid nepotism, favoritism, and other things that can break your team down. Don’t be afraid to cut the “good guy.”

3.       Once you select your team members don’t be fearful to maintain control over all even when things go well. The control should never be relinquished at any time to keep the team on track.

4.       Praise is an invaluable tool and there is nothing like telling the team how successful they are or were when the moment is most gratifying and enjoyed making it all worth the efforts given.

5.       Good team building requires taking risks. There must be a mentality among the members that in order to win or to be successful, there must be gambles in the game / work plan. Take those risks that are probable and not impossible.

6.       Never lose sight on what your started. Although you must adapt to meet the challenges you must never stop looking for things that are critical to your team spirit and productivity. Relying on your observation skills increases your managerial skills. Chance can be positive.



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Frank Smith speaks out on Charles McCluskey murder trial in Albuequerque Kingman escape

This case is a poster child for why inmates shouldn't be sent to for-profit prisons.
Management and Training Corporation (MTC) understaffed this Kingman prison with employees being, according to the warden, "80% new or newly promoted."
It was built on the cheap by Dominion of Edmund, OK, and like most or all of their speculative prisons, was grossly substandard. The state claimed it would only send minimum security offenders there, mostly those doing short terms for drunk driving offenses.
The alarms hadn't worked properly in years, some seven yard lights were burnt out, staff had no control over inmate identification and basic security procedures.
It happened because state regulators were uninterested in professional operation.
It grossly failed to oversee its operations and sent hordes of inappropriate prisoners to a place that could never expect to hold them securely. This included many lifers incarcerated for homicides, escape risks, members of security threat groups (STGs) such as neo-Nazis, and those with parole holds from other states.
As long as the campaign contributions kept rolling in, supposedly conservative legislators, executives and bureaucrats championed the nonexistent "savings" they provided. As long as the revolving door spun at a dizzying pace, no department of corrections official was likely to insist on delivery of anything remotely near the level and quality of contract performance that the state required.
Not that long afterward, Arizona did a research study that estimated that contract prisons cost the state 16% more, per prisoner, than did professionally managed state prisons handling matched populations.
On the evening of July 30th, 2010, the chickens came home to roost.
Three long-term inmates broke out with the assistance of the ringleader's girl friend, who reconnoitered the prison, then drove to its rear after sundown and threw small bolt cutters and other tools to breach the fence, as well as bags of pistols.
She had been arrested not two months earlier, for bringing drugs and other contraband into the prison. However, the Mohave County sheriffs offered her a deal: She could give up her suppliers, whom they said she claimed were neo-Nazis, and they would let her go free.
Of course, had she followed through, her fiancée would have been targeted after he got out of solitary for being on the receiving end of the smuggling.
On the fateful night, she had forgotten where she had parked the ringleader's Chevy Blazer, out there in the desert, so the four split up to search for it. One, Daniel Renwick, who was doing 44 years for a particularly cruel robbery-murder, quickly found the SUV and absconded with it, abandoning his confederates in the desert.
The accomplice and other two, John "Charlie" McCluskey, who was doing two 15-year sentences for attempted murders and who was a white supremacist, and Tracy Province, who was doing life for two murders, began walking through the desert like Moses, looking for a vehicle to steal or hijack.
It took over 100 minutes for the staff to discover the inmates missing from their dorm, but they weren't sure who was gone. Instead of reporting the escape to outside law enforcement and the Department of Corrections, they fiddled around, looking for them for another hour. Their motorized guard who had been making regular rounds, somehow repeatedly missed the huge hole in the outside perimeter's single fence.
The fugitives had by then walked miles before a helicopter showed to try to locate them in the sparsely vegetated desert. Unfortunately, it was operated as incompetently as the prison, and just circled the prison in tight circles, far from the escapees' location.
At last they arrived at an eastbound 18-wheeler that had stopped for a brake check miles south of Kingman at an I-40 exit. They took its East Indian drivers with them and drove to Flagstaff, stopping to call for assistance from friends and relatives along the way. Eventually, the ringleader's ex-wife agreed to pick them up and drove to meet them in Flagstaff.
At that location, they waited for their ride and the drivers agreed to wait 15 minutes after it arrived before sounding an alarm. They had taken $60 from one and $40 from the other, but rejected more, leaving each with more than half their cash.
McCluskey even turned down an offer by the owner/operator to go to an ATM to furnish them with more money.
The ex-wife dropped them off after stopping in Payson, then went on to Mesa. There they got another car and took off for a hideout in Southeast Arizona, only to find it occupied. They continued on toward their destination, Gentry, Arkansas, stealing a license plate from a car in Moriarity, New Mexico, on their way east.
Unbeknownst to them, their fellow escapee who stole the getaway car, had gotten into a shootout with a Garfield County sheriff's deputy and City of Rifle police, and spilled the beans on his erstwhile companions.
He is now doing 60 years for that shootout, at Colorado taxpayers' expense.
The three remaining fugitives heard news of his capture and squealing on them on the radio as they were going through Texas. Knowing their plans had been revealed, they quickly reversed direction. When they arrived at the New Mexico I-40 welcome station, they picked up maps and then noticed a couple who were pulling an RV with a crew cab pickup. They approached them and warned the driver not to go for one of his many handguns that was within reach.
That, unfortunately, sealed the fate of the hapless couple who were kidnapped.
Now a two-car convoy, they continued, going west toward Santa Rosa, when they were ordered to pull off on a frontage road. They were forced back into their trailer, allegedly by the ringleader, while the lifer drove the pickup and his girl friend followed in the beat up grey sedan they had bought in Arizona.
According to his indictment, the ringleader shot the couple, then when the truck stopped for gas, they noticed that the victims' blood was pouring out of the trailer onto the ground. They sped off, then exited to an unpaved country road, where the trailer was unhitched, splashed with liquor and set afire.
Eventually, the lifer, intent on suicide, changed his mind, going to a church in Meetetse, Wyoming and singing with the congregation. The minister gave him a jacket and $40 for mowing the church lawn, and he cadged a motel room floor to spend the night. The next morning, after a church member saw his picture on TV news and called police, he was captured while hitchhiking to Casper.
The fleeing couple had already gone on to Billings, Montana, then to Gentry, Arkansas, a week later. There they held up a beauty salon, but thanks to law enforcement dithering, the pair continued on their nationwide flight.
A week after that, they were spotted by an alert forest service employee at a campground and a swat team descended upon them to capture the pair.
Now the federal government is prosecuting the ringleader, hoping to get a death penalty conviction from a jury that will have to endure a four month trial. Federal, Arizona and New Mexican taxpayers will be footing the bill for millions for this search, apprehension, Arizona and New Mexico trials, and continued imprisonment.
McCluskey, being 48 years old, suicidal and in poor health, is not likely to ever be executed. There have only been three federal executions in the last 50 years and three Virginians have been on death row for over 20 years. Appeals of death sentences cost the public fortunes.
If McCluskey makes it that far, he will join Sherman Lamont Fields, who promised a bribe to a Texas for-profit prison guard in exchange for a key to his prison, escaped and promptly kidnapped and murdered his ex-girl friend.
The U.S. Attorney who decided to seek the death penalty, Kenneth J. Gonzales, was perhaps awarded a federal judgeship for this sort of grandstanding, and was sworn in last week.
Unfortunately, no one seems to be really talking about the whole picture.
Somewhere, just as they did in Kansas five to ten years ago, corrupt officials are no doubt meeting with industry executives and cooking up more plans to expand their leaky, for-profit American gulag.
Who will tell the people?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Recovery Matters


Everybody needs to recover something in their life at one time or another. Every person has a different recovery to make. Some have lost relationships, some their health and some their confidence in themselves or others. The fact you have recovered yourself matters. It matters so much that one has to dwell on its importance in order to understand the concept completely.  Whatever it was you had lost is always there to reclaim unless you are not aware of what it was you have lost. Recovery is more than just rebounding or reconnecting with yourself or others. It’s about identifying what you are made of and what you can or cannot handle in life.

 It’s about survival and the ability to overcome and adapt on matters close to you and important to you as well. It’s about healing the mind, body and spirit back to the point where it can again endure life’s pressures and stressors while effectively deal with the stimulus that causes such stress around you.

Thinking about the process we must determine it what we believe to be a recovery process is fact or fiction. Is it the truth in regards to plausible evidence or is it with utter suspicions that it may not be possible at all? Is there a reality involved or is it just a perception. Are we interpreting things like we want them to be or how they actually are? The answer is to look at every angle and determine just how effectively we can recover what we lost and how much we got back from our efforts to attain such a reclamation process successfully.

The act of recovery is an action needed to restore a balance of systems within your body, your mind and your spirit. What happens if you don’t do this right? One can apply even more stress than there was before you started this journey to recovery. Failing to identify your goals and your purposes is detrimental to your success and may make your recovery only partial which may impact your confidence or realization.

One must be cognizant that if one is to completely recover, one has to replace the energy and effort spent during this process with added efforts and energy than ever before in your life. Doing it wrong will cause a breakdown either psychologically or physiologically and create more stress and anxiety thus there is a certain determination level of commitment that must be made before you being the process.

You must be prepared to be worn down, exposed to other risks or injuries and replace what you lost with more sweat and tears. Your mind should be focused on your resilience towards adversity, your need to rehydrate your body and in all cases, protect your immunity to other influences or powers that can impact your strength politically, physically and psychologically. Thus you must bring about an attitude that nothing is going to deter you of reaching your goals and nothing will stop you until your work is done completing this challenge to recover whatever you may have lost.

The more of a recovery you make, the better you will feel. Don’t be fooled by false securities or sensations and quit or lower your energy prematurely. Resist the temptation to ease off and keep the pressure on yourself to keep on going. The more you recover the further the gains made. Being productive and vigorous is the key to success. Try not to compensate for the pain but endure it. There must be pain associated with the recovery. It keeps your mind focused on why you are doing this to begin with and keeps you from slowing down or stopping completely short of your goals.

Trust yourself and trust your instincts to stay on track. You will reap the rewards as your recovery gains the momentum you know you can attain and soars you to your desired level of your plan. Become a believer and strengthen your confidence to accomplish anything you set out to do even when you may have lost that strength for a moment in your life but you decided to fight and get it back. In the end you will be stronger, smarter, more balanced and effectually healed to face the world with the energy and spirit that brought you success.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Corrections - Corruptive to the Core

Corrections - Corruptive to the Core


There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Arizona prisons are falling apart. The attention to detail required to keep them running in good order has been appalling to say the least. In fact, there are only two benefactors for the condition it is in and that is a beneficent private prison industry and the inmates that are running the asylums statewide.  The Governor has obviously decided to allow what has been designed to be a corruptive machine to exist while she is in office and allowing nature to take its course as the impotent system devours human lives, and preys on the weak as an abundance of drugs, contraband and disruptive groups grow rampant without any intentions of control by the agency.

Government employee unions have grown impotent as well living parasitically on the unwary and less deserving full time contributors to their funds. The unions, all of them assimilate the features of a house of cards are ready to fall within an earshot of the director’s anger as they are targeted the main political asses. Let the truth be known, the prison system failed a long time ago. The current regime, in a reckless and almost unlimited fashion shaped their strategies for complete failures and proactively pursued an alternative that would give more funding and more control to the private prison industry. You might say that they bailed out a stagnant prison industry by offering them revitalized growth through subsidies and contractual promises.

For the corrections employees it has been an understandable minefield to tread very carefully and with caution. The current administration has haphazardly put more violence and less control on the grounds with their sparsely designed staffing patterns and buckling under the pressure to cut back even more resources than before. It has certainly become a circus atmosphere if were not for the serious injuries incurred by faithful employees put at risk and buckling under the weight of being outnumbered at least 200 to 1 at times when on the yard.

These cumulative follies are anticipated to continue to occur as the public has ignored these flaws with apathy and disinterest. The administration has been assured of one thing for sure by the Governor and the majority rule in the legislature as they carry the sign that states “where there is no admittance of failures or shortcomings, there are no penalties for failures” as failures are allowed to proliferate at a record rate with humans dying along the way.

Meanwhile the system is decaying and troubled and when public safety or trust is breached there will be an outcry from those that behaved ignorant of their surroundings and blame individuals rather than systems for the liabilities found. Leaders in the government will point fingers and deny culpability as they hustle to cover up their tracks for endorsing such behaviors tacitly and silently behind closed doors.  Jeopardizing every element of a democracy they impose jurisdiction with promises to fix the problem as heads will roll for those that did exactly what they were told to do by politicians in the pockets of lobbyist and the governor’s corner office.

Sometime soon, among the exculpatory alibis invoked to deflect blame from the political class and the docile politicians who empowered it, is the myth that this prison system is simply a victim of "lack of oversight” and that the solution is to simply remove the current administration with a new one that is in tune with the political machine’s wishes and demands even though it may be exactly a replica of what was in place before but given a new name, a new mission statement and the same deliberate strategies to continue on its journey of failures and corruptive practices. Time for change but change might never come unless we elect new leadership to steer us in the right direction.



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Collateral Damage

Arizona‘s prison system is suffering from collateral damage as it continues to fall into a financial abyss created by poor leadership and wasteful spending since 2009. The writings have been on the walls for many years but everybody in state government has either been looking the other way or failing to read the signs. That is with the exception of Chad Campbell, a leading Democrat lawmaker who recognized this failing performance by our prison agency leader and director, Charles L. Ryan and therefore calling for his resignation on Tuesday, July 23, 2013

State legislators, the governor and the public should not be surprised at this announcement to remove Director Ryan. It has been long coming and if your look back to the infamous Kingman prison escape, I have been calling for his resignation from that moment as he has done nothing to fix our state’s public safety issues and manage our prisons in a sound and responsible manner while bolstering the private prison industry inside our state. Today the state suffers severely from collateral damage and changes must be made immediately.

Collateral damage is politically harmful in many ways. First and most it implies urgent and serious ethical implications of not doing your job as you had sworn to do when you take the oath of office. Second it is harmful to innocents and this is a most coincidental side effect that can run a course of destruction. It basically is a statement of not doing your job with due care and commitment.

Collateral damage consists of at least four categories of failures with a doctrine that shows negligence, oblivious to the truth, malevolently knowing what wrong and reckless behavior is as you ignore these warning signs. Since taking office, the director has created an order of chaos that is not morally permissible under the rule of law and moral standards.

He has implemented a personal doctrine that has had a double effect. The first being a negative and wasteful prison system failing to perform up to legal and moral expectations as a government service and the second is the increase reliance and use of private corporate prison contractors to fill in the voids of his failing prison policies and send unlimited state funding into a hybrid governance doctrine that is without scrutiny or reviews.

One could argue that this double doctrine should be permissible but the loss of human lives, the destruction of internal personnel procedures and performance / disciplinary structures, the excessive litigation related to medical and other essential services as well as the higher costs associated with such inefficient operational methods are not feasible at a time of responsible fiscal constraints and higher taxes to run government. This is especially true when other states have demonstrated lesser spending with better prison management alternatives than Arizona has and this is highly noticeable at the budget hearings in Phoenix.

The question is whether this call for his resignation is legitimate or politically motivated. It is my trust if Governor Brewer would consciously and deliberately review his record of performance she would agree it is time for change in leadership.

Good change can bring Arizona prisons back into the spending commitments of lawmakers and the return of rule of law back to those relatives that rely on ethical decision making to keep their incarcerated relatives safe from excessive suffering, physical and mentally incurred harm and a high risk of accidental or natural caused deaths that includes suicides that rank as some of the highest in the country.
After all is said and done, our leaders must recognize that collateral damage is in no way permissible and tolerable in good government practices.


Friday, June 28, 2013

The Illusion of Civilian Control

The Illusion of Civilian Control

Most people don’t understand the principles of government and its limitations. The reason is simple. They believe what they are fed by politicians and career minded leaders that are self-serving in nature and eager to gain you trust and confidence they are doing the right thing for you and this country.  

The reasons for their lying and deception is to hide governmental flaws as well as their own. Using distraction and distorting as media tools, they are eager to avoid disclosing their mistakes and poor judgment making.

I want to know who is really in control and if it is not the President and his cabinet then who is the driving force behind these radical socialist reforms that is dividing our country so badly. What can they possibly acquire or attain by doing what seems to be a destruction of our social fiber and morals.

This article is not a debate over whether the war in Afghanistan is being fought for the right reasons any more than the President’s latest decision to arm Syrian rebels with arms and munitions resembling the actions of government of the past and repeating failed records of accomplishing the desired outcomes.

Debates can also range from the current immigration reforms to the security of our borders as there are controversies not yet discussed and likely never will. Unfortunately, the fact is that hardly anything relevant to these matters are publicly released or disclosed so debates are meaningless.

I want to learn about government constraints and recklessness and how it impact our freedom. What are the motives behind the Patriot Act and who stands to suffer the most when our freedoms are limited or hampered by man-made laws that contradict our Constitution?

Since they are all weary and aware of the Freedom of Information Act, there appears to be a growing pattern of a bureaucracy that is compromising the rule of law with unstated, unwritten doctrines and pressures against our country. Taking our freedoms away is one consideration but what is more important is what do they stand to gain and where are they going?

But my focus will not be on foreign policy or domestic relationships. I am interested in understanding the illusions of controlling the civilian population with government initiatives and perhaps government intervention and force at the local levels such as municipal and state but tied into the shenanigans of Washington D.C.

Step one in the illusion of civilian control is to make the populace believe they are doing everything they can to decisively deal with the problems at hand. The truth is they are being far less decisive and not because of any particular obstacle but rather willingly providing a strategy that creates an illusional line of reality but in all actually they are doing much less than what is being told digging us deeper into the quagmire.

These bureaucrats are making poor decisions that will force them to go even deeper to avoid failure and therefore creating a conflict between doing what is right and what is wrong. Ignoring legal and moral standards they are adjusting their policy making to suit their own needs.

These mistakes include airing on the side of precaution rather than caution and then the sequential responses makes changing directions or strategies more difficult as this mentality dictates future decision making rather than rule of law or prior commitments.

The strategy includes either a low or high level of verbal commitment through speeches or other press conferences or press releases and includes escalating or reducing efforts to make things work so that the public is not upset or concerned about the strategy or the motive. The illusion is to show a hands on management strategy while in fact, the problem has already spiraled out of control and damage control is taking place in complete secrecy.

Rather than shrinking the problem and the related conflicts they are in fact expanding their control and power over such issues ensuring the final goal of complete control is imminent and achievable. This is facilitated through the dominance of the press and the reporting mechanisms. Indeed this game of illusion is like a poke game with the lives and wellness of millions of people at stake and the possible ruination of a democracy as well as democratic control.

Working hard to build or maintain their integrity and credibility they apply more pressure instead of less. The pressure is so great many entities including states, corporates and wealthy individuals can’t withstand it and eventually give in to ease the pressure.

This inexorable pressure comes in forms of subsidies, grants, loans, restructured financing, manpower, logistical support and many other resources. This occurs all behind closed doors and requires secrecy at every level so not to disclose the special favors and agreements made to pay for the silence

Thus with time the problems seemed to be solved and the attention is diminished giving more room for adjustments and planning to steer them into the desired direction. After all, the media was harnessed and in control and once stabilized everything is beginning to work in their favor.

Time serves as a fading memory and good publicity will allow any good politician to endure and maintain their political status with the voters not having a clue that they have been deceived and lied to

Abusers, Stalkers, Fearless Killers video

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Open Letter to Janet Brewer – Governor

When Prison Management go Flat Line - the Inmates get Angry & Bolder

It is very likely the Arizona governor and legislature will flat line the prison budget sooner than expected. It is today exceeding over 1 billion dollars a year and it is obvious the state can’t sustain such financial growth. The downsize of this phenomena is that state prison management, projects, programs and other prison related expenditures must be curtailed and draw back resources allocated over the past four years to ensure a rapid and aggressive growth in bed space and prisoner numbers.

It is time to stop this insane funding for more prison money as it has already skyrocketed past normal expectations and fiscal demands. Arizona must hold the line on spending and that includes holding prison growth flat over the next year or so otherwise politicians will be forced to admit their mass incarceration agenda has drowned the state of financial debt and insolvency,

Unfortunately, the current prison management team will make recommendations that end all forms of reform, rehabilitation and educational programs that include substance abuse and other self-improvement programs or studies. It will unwisely reduce prison expenses that will create a severe and potentially violent backdrafts on the state’s prison population and create more tension and violence than ever before. History will reflect this throughout our prisons systems.

Under current practices and laws, Arizona prisoners serve longer prison terms than many other state prison systems. That means more growth and more problems. Arizona has no intention of changing the good time law that mandates inmates serve 85 % of their sentence and will need to finance for more growth here in the next few months to avoid turning them away from doing prison time. Little effort has been placed on alternative sentencing and community based supervision.

Policy changes are pending and more efforts will be put on controlling the purse strings to avoid overspending and not meeting constitutional mandates for healthcare, food and other auxiliary services. Their utility bills, already out of control will mount and their ability to get credit on payment of such will be closely securitized by those providing the services. Physical plant and waste water resources are stretched beyond reasonable limits already and ready for failure. Prisons without utilities are prone to be set on fire out of protest and revolutionary thinking that puts staff in harm's way.

The policy changes that reduce prison expansion are critical, but without investing in our local public safety infrastructure, we will not likely occur within time to prevent a prison riot or disturbance of grave proportions. There is no current system in place to oversee internal prison related crimes and accountability in sustainable ways until it is too late and legislators will demand transparency and accountability after the fact and destruction.

The governor needs a bold agenda and the Legislative body needs to begin to take full responsibility for what is about to happen inside Arizona prisons this summer. It will be one of the most severe impacts on public safety as this will eventually be one of the most impactful issues the legislature will attempt to tackle.

Here is hoping they can get done before the riots start.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

A must read story - LEO Retirement & Dark Demons Hidden

The Dark Demons of LEO Retirement


It has always been one of the most anticipated and peaceful thoughts in life to enjoy the benefits of retirement as it are certainly one of the joys of living. Life as we have known it was always a rat race and life in the fast lane that brought us success and happiness on the journey to having it all and enjoying your retirement in the sun.

There are many success stories of people retiring while prospering and doing what they want to do with their time after working but there are also demons hidden in the living style called retirement. These demons exist in the lives of those retiring from law enforcement and how they cope with the dynamics of no longer being part of what is one of the world’s largest support groups and active lifestyle occupations.

I retired three years ago. I can relate to the disconnection, the withdrawal of camaraderie and being a part of a circle of friends that had before retiring consumed your day and schedule. I would like to hear more from others and share experiences about this withdrawal of my support system and finding a new way to be independent but yet socially connected in some way different but satisfying to me as a retired law enforcement officer.

The fact is that many law enforcement officers (LEO) experience the darkness of suicides in a much higher rate than it should be. A report states it is as high as 40 suicides per year. The sudden disconnection of 20 to 40 years of service to an occupation leaves them in an “out of sight, out of mind” situation that needs to be adjusted through some type of support mechanism rarely available for many of them.  Aside from the fact that some officers poorly plan their retirement with shallow or thin blankets of security there are many other jobs they can perform after retirement in the security management business or loss prevention control departments.  However, many find this type of job unsatisfying and this creates more stress.

It would be surreal to believe that once you retire it is nothing but hunting and fishing and traveling around the country as it just isn’t so in real life. Experiencing this withdrawal is sudden and painful. It comes at the worst times and often accompanied with stress and severe anxiety. Suddenly and unexpectedly the rat race has turned into a snail’s pace and live is different all the way around. The dark demon lurking inside them is the fact there are still too many post-traumatic stress issues unresolved in their heads and mind that keeps them on the edge of life most of the time.

Retirement is often the “quick sign your papers and out of the door” experience. It has no after care or post maintenance program for your body or your mind. Retirement does not include elements of the emotional care you need when you leave your experience and your energy at the back door in this workplace where you entered it with youth and spirit through the front door.

Living the lifestyle of going zero to 60 in nano seconds changes to life in the slow lane overnight. It leads to problems never anticipated or thought of when working and productive. If it wasn’t for friends or family that could relate to my problems it would have been much worse to cope with and likely end up in a severe depression created by the void of things we did when we were working. Hence it is important that you sit down with your family and work out a productive plan to maintain relationships, friendships and find alternative goals to be productive and enjoy life to the fullest and have fun doing it. It is meant to be that way when you work hard all your life to finally enjoy the fruits of your labor.

If you are interested in to see how actual LEO suicide numbers stack up:



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hiring the Right Person for Correctional Officer

There have always been some risk factors involved in the selection of good men and women working as a correctional officer. Hiring the right people is very critical in any business but in corrections it is the most important element of running safe and secure prisons. Hiring and bringing in the wrong person is not just a waste of money or time spent on training them in the Academy or formal classroom but also creates a negative impact on the workplace that could result in death or harm to others that depend on this new person to acquire the necessary skills and use them appropriately.


As a prerequisite to employment corrections is looking for persons with formal and completion of high school diplomas in addition to some college preferred in social skills or criminal justice courses.  It is important to recognize the totality of the individual’s skills, knowledge, education and experience as it is the main factor their hiring decisions will be hinged on as well as the pre-hiring criteria for selection and hiring good officers.


Ideally all agencies are looking for the right candidate; someone that can follow the rules as well as customs, practices and procedures written and unwritten. Often times there are little or few to choose from in a small town or county where the demographics are rural and work is centralized and remote from the cities. You must be willing to hire locally as well as from outside the boundaries to complement your staffing pattern with a good mix of skills, knowledge and experience.

You must look for the complete package of skills, experience, abilities and education to hire the right person. You must also accept the fact that this may diminish you job pool some and ease up on the requirement to attain more qualified personnel. The less significant the requirement, the smaller of quality of personnel you have to choose from. It is best not to compromise on work habits that impact compliance with regulations, absenteeism and reliability factors. It is acceptable to lessen the educational and experience levels if they possess the skills to perform the job and adjust or adapt to the environment.

The second element of hiring good people is when you look at the complete package you include and not exclude their attitude. Having skills but demonstrating poor attitudes is a grave mistake inside prisons or large jails. Skills and knowledge are worthless when they aren't put to use. Experience, no matter how vast, is useless when it is not shared with others. The vast majority failed due to problems with motivation, willingness to be coached, temperament, and emotional intelligence. Remember you can train for almost any skill but it is impossible to re-train someone on their attitude.

The next thing to consider is the type of business correction is in reality as it carries with it volatile and potentially dangerous elements that may cause serious harm or even death under some circumstances. You need to be absolutely truthful with candidate when explaining the job and rely on this truth to decide compatibility based on reactions and suitability of the candidate for such kind of work. Not everybody is suited to be a correctional officer in a physical and mental sense or manner. Look for those that seem to have done a little homework on the job and ask job related questions when inquiring about the agency or department. Look for enthusiasm and motivation factors that will make the candidate a good employee.

Most prison complexes hire friends and family through a referral process that is often used instead of advertisement and recruitment drives in schools, colleges or job fairs. Don’t be too quick to jump at the chance to hire friends and relatives as it may come back to haunt you as a bad decision.

On the other hand, those familiar with current staff have a better understanding of the job’s expectations, cultural diversity and social impacts. They make be excellent people and you may be compelled to hire them out of your heart rather than common sense. Be prepared for interpersonal conflicts, domestic related troubles and family and friend feuds. It depends on the size of your agency and the geographical location of the workplace. Adjust policies to reflect nepotism, favoritism and ensure job assignments are not in conflict with the job requirement and sound supervision methods.

Last you must be prepared to make independent decisions regarding the hiring of new personnel. Nothing compares to a formal and comprehensive hiring process but sometimes you can use your intuition or experience of character to make up the difference when a choice has to be made. Gut feelings are appropriate in hiring and can often result in hiring good candidates not so solid on paper or testing.  Looking and recognizing dispositions, attitudes and motivational efforts is important for correctional officers that often work by themselves with general or no direct supervision most of the time they are on the job.

If you are the kind of human resource administrator that recognizes good chances than your shot of finding and hiring a good candidate are improved. Having the ability to spot the lazy or person with attitudes or poor motivational habits should be a clue to avoid them and move to the next suitable candidate for hire. Take good chances. Good chances often turn out to be your most inspired hires--and your best employees.