As the myth goes, vampires have existed for a long time and
exist within many different cultures throughout history. It appears that these
vampires have broken through to the other side as they are now becoming a
prevalent dynamism to reckon with inside the workplace. These men and women
live off others’ psychic energy and can offer you nothing but worries,
frustration and false hopes of things getting better. Believe it or not, these
kind of vampires do exist.
They are hidden well and often difficult to spot or identify
as they blend into the environment without casting shadows. Sometimes they are
your friends or are in the process and work hard to win your favor. Sometimes
they are helpers and other times they are your bosses. Their personalities
appear to be dynamic, intelligent and nice to you and others but deceit is a
common denominator among them.
Once you let them enter your world, you will quickly fall
victim of being lethargic and tired of what never bothered you before and
evolve into a person with low esteem as well as a low level of resilience that
robs you of your energy and subconscious. When the nighttime comes, they come
out in a manner that is classic of all vampires and take away your efforts to
replenish yourself with positive energy leaving your feeling helpless sometimes
as they wear you down.
Vampires come into your life offering you something,
sometimes they come bearing a gift or they do you a great favor. Sometimes they
are helpers. They seem more dynamic, intelligent and nicer than others. They
seem bigger than life, they shine because they cast no shadow. A vampire does
not own their shadow qualities. Once you let them into your life, you will
notice a feeling of tiredness, a sense of low self-esteem and a need to
replenish yourself often.
Not exclusive of the nighttime they can show up anytime even
on a sunny day. Oblivious to the light, they work hard to take the sunshine
away from your life. When they arrive, they fit in like a classic symbol of sleep.
You can resist a vampire by remaining conscious and awake. Being susceptible
and vulnerable to these kind of vampires is a reality.
In fact, there are times when you vulnerability gives them
the precise moment or opportunity to invade your body and mind with the kind of
characteristics that resemble love or compassion but are in fact the
opposite. Rather than being the cure for
what ails you they are the disease you need to be aware of at all times.
Courting them is a big mistake and can have serious implications when you do
and fall victim to the game.
Psychological vampires come to you looking for love and
power. When they can’t find their own they seek the attention of another to
develop an internal relationship that leeches off your emotions and taps it
into theirs. They use the power you have since they have none to attain the
things they want but unable to grasp onto because of their vileness and
dissatisfying attitudes. They are filled with entitlements and take away your
belongings as they manipulate you into giving to them everything you own.
Some vampires become correctional officers because they
believe that when they are helping someone they know they can obtain energy
from others and it is easier to do inside such a captive environment. These
creatures often lecture you with their self-established wisdoms and appear
overly nice or helpful but in reality they take your mind and spirit as their
payment for such feats.
There must be caution in the wind as they can also be
predacious in nature and siphon your energy before you realize it. They are
hyper workers that pay attention to details and never miss a thing you do if it
can benefit them. So how does a psychological vampire act? These are the common
traits of a vampire:
• Obsessive
compulsive with Borderline Personality disorders
• Narcissistic
in nature and love themselves more than others
• Have many
broken relationships
• Non-committal
and procrastinators in their own lives
• Intimidating
and apply bully-like behaviors
• Suffocating
others and dominating so you can’t breathe on your own
• Use
weaknesses as the pathway into your life or relationship
• Ask a lot
of personal questions and want to get to know you better
• Victimize
others to make themselves feel better about themselves
• Knowledge
gives them power
Last but not least these kind of vampires are heartless and
unfeeling to your human emotional needs as they work hard to drain you every
chance they get. They seek unconditional and unquestionable love, something
they can’t give themselves but rely on others to fulfill their needs. Since
they are likeable and plentiful around you it is important you pay attention to
these kind of personalities and behaviors. Remember they size you up for your
strengths and weaknesses and use every bit of it against you when the time is
right for them.
Their attacks appear to be subtle snide remarks or comments
that undermines your self-worth and deflates your ego. They seem to be offering
you something but in reality give you nothing in return. They can’t handle the
truth and want nothing to do with hearing what is wrong with them but are quick
to criticize others. Thinking that if they can exist among you for any
prolonged periods of time, you will eventually accept them and at that point,
whatever you do is for them and your long term health has been jeopardized and
impaired without your knowing that the source of such detrimental effects are
the vampires that surround you and bleed you daily so they can exist and be
satisfied never seeing their own shadows.
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