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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Correctional Officers - Co-workers as Psychological Vampires

Do you work around people that ruin your happiness or can’t find happiness of their own? Does your workplace have persons who just hasn’t seen or felt any satisfaction in their own lives and become a huge influence of negativity around you and others that grows stronger and stronger as they suck more victims in? Perhaps you are working with psychological vampires that work hard to take the sunshine out of your life so they can feel better of their own despairs.

As the myth goes, vampires have existed for a long time and exist within many different cultures throughout history. It appears that these vampires have broken through to the other side as they are now becoming a prevalent dynamism to reckon with inside the workplace. These men and women live off others’ psychic energy and can offer you nothing but worries, frustration and false hopes of things getting better. Believe it or not, these kind of vampires do exist.

They are hidden well and often difficult to spot or identify as they blend into the environment without casting shadows. Sometimes they are your friends or are in the process and work hard to win your favor. Sometimes they are helpers and other times they are your bosses. Their personalities appear to be dynamic, intelligent and nice to you and others but deceit is a common denominator among them. 

Once you let them enter your world, you will quickly fall victim of being lethargic and tired of what never bothered you before and evolve into a person with low esteem as well as a low level of resilience that robs you of your energy and subconscious. When the nighttime comes, they come out in a manner that is classic of all vampires and take away your efforts to replenish yourself with positive energy leaving your feeling helpless sometimes as they wear you down.

Vampires come into your life offering you something, sometimes they come bearing a gift or they do you a great favor. Sometimes they are helpers. They seem more dynamic, intelligent and nicer than others. They seem bigger than life, they shine because they cast no shadow. A vampire does not own their shadow qualities. Once you let them into your life, you will notice a feeling of tiredness, a sense of low self-esteem and a need to replenish yourself often.

Not exclusive of the nighttime they can show up anytime even on a sunny day. Oblivious to the light, they work hard to take the sunshine away from your life. When they arrive, they fit in like a classic symbol of sleep. You can resist a vampire by remaining conscious and awake. Being susceptible and vulnerable to these kind of vampires is a reality.

In fact, there are times when you vulnerability gives them the precise moment or opportunity to invade your body and mind with the kind of characteristics that resemble love or compassion but are in fact the opposite.  Rather than being the cure for what ails you they are the disease you need to be aware of at all times. Courting them is a big mistake and can have serious implications when you do and fall victim to the game.

Psychological vampires come to you looking for love and power. When they can’t find their own they seek the attention of another to develop an internal relationship that leeches off your emotions and taps it into theirs. They use the power you have since they have none to attain the things they want but unable to grasp onto because of their vileness and dissatisfying attitudes. They are filled with entitlements and take away your belongings as they manipulate you into giving to them everything you own.


Some vampires become correctional officers because they believe that when they are helping someone they know they can obtain energy from others and it is easier to do inside such a captive environment. These creatures often lecture you with their self-established wisdoms and appear overly nice or helpful but in reality they take your mind and spirit as their payment for such feats.

There must be caution in the wind as they can also be predacious in nature and siphon your energy before you realize it. They are hyper workers that pay attention to details and never miss a thing you do if it can benefit them. So how does a psychological vampire act? These are the common traits of a vampire:

             Obsessive compulsive with Borderline Personality disorders

             Narcissistic in nature and love themselves more than others

             Have many broken relationships

             Non-committal and procrastinators in their own lives

             Intimidating and apply bully-like behaviors

             Suffocating others and dominating so you can’t breathe on your own

             Use weaknesses as the pathway into your life or relationship

             Ask a lot of personal questions and want to get to know you better

             Victimize others to make themselves feel better about themselves

             Knowledge gives them power

Last but not least these kind of vampires are heartless and unfeeling to your human emotional needs as they work hard to drain you every chance they get. They seek unconditional and unquestionable love, something they can’t give themselves but rely on others to fulfill their needs. Since they are likeable and plentiful around you it is important you pay attention to these kind of personalities and behaviors. Remember they size you up for your strengths and weaknesses and use every bit of it against you when the time is right for them.

Their attacks appear to be subtle snide remarks or comments that undermines your self-worth and deflates your ego. They seem to be offering you something but in reality give you nothing in return. They can’t handle the truth and want nothing to do with hearing what is wrong with them but are quick to criticize others. Thinking that if they can exist among you for any prolonged periods of time, you will eventually accept them and at that point, whatever you do is for them and your long term health has been jeopardized and impaired without your knowing that the source of such detrimental effects are the vampires that surround you and bleed you daily so they can exist and be satisfied never seeing their own shadows.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Correctional Officers – Working inside the Belly of Hell

Correctional Officers – Working inside the Belly of Hell


Not much has been said about working inside the penitentiaries. The press is unkind to those that walk this blue line. Not much talk among those that work there either. The silence is deafening as the work within the belly of this place is pure Hell and works on your brain like drugs cooks the human mind. Many have been able to separate their body from the mind or the temptation made upon their souls but in the end it always makes you think about what you do for a living and how it impacts your own life working among the demons cast into a pit of fire called Hell.

Neither a glorious job nor an appreciated one but regardless how the public perceives it, it is certainly a necessary job. Walking inside the belly of Hell takes a very special person as not too many volunteer to do such tasks with negativity and vehemence all around them. Whether a high school graduate, a military veteran or a college graduate they come from all walks of life to work inside the penitentiaries. Their journey begins at the bottom of the devil’s mouth and goes all the way down to the bottomless pit called Hell.

The stench is awful and the air is filled with a noxious gas as the environment is toxic and creates hate, greed, revenge as well as a Hellish blindness for justice for those that live there. This is a journey hardly ever talked about and although the pain inside this Hellish Hole is mainly mental, there is also the physical pain to keep the law in order and the place safe and secure. There are times where the presence of the Creator is absent and the stench of the devil is predominately influencing the actions of others to incite and create a fever of detestation.

The only sounds you will hear are echoes of pain and anguish that surrounds the walls twenty four hours a day and seven days a week without letting up on the madness. The bottom of the pit is no place to be if you are meek and weak. It is not for those that cannot walk alone among the thugs and murderers that live there and prey on every person that enters the pit. Although there is a lot of praying going on in there is little salvation or forgiveness of sins committed as their bones and flesh burn in this Hell Hole.

The power of darkness keeps the evil alive and drowns the spirit of man with pure Hellish hopelessness that the end of suffering will never come. It is not a world you want to be in nor is it a world you can understand unless you walk the beat of those that dare and face the devil in his hour of darkness. One cannot speak of revelations unless they have witnessed what Hell does to men. One cannot write a book or make a record of things unless they witnessed it with they own eyes and ears as your body is actually suspended in a state of animation and takes you to your journey in Hell.

Hell has many faces and consists of many things that others do not want to know about. The public turns their eyes and ears to another direction when the words are spoken and do not want to know the truth or even imagine what you will experience many times over walking this beat. You and your fellow officers will walk through Hell together but you will leave reality behind as no one follows you into the abyss of darkness.

You will never be praised for your courage but you will be condemned if you error your ways. Your soul will be tempted often and sometimes out of body while you do your job and your heart will leave at the gate when you enter the dark house of pain leaving all your senses behind and are comforted by the thoughts of those that share your journey through this house of pain.


 Although you should be afraid, you show no fear for these gateways to Hell makes you stronger and resilient in thought and contrary to expectations, you keep your stride as you walk the beat nobody else wants to travel without a gun or other weapon by their side. You took this job and knew your only comfort was your self-respect and assistance from others to do this job designed in Hell while separated from the rest of the world.

Some penitentiaries are above the ground and others lay far below the ground covered with steel and concrete to hide the sun and earth. You can recognize the peril as you travel the funnels that lead you through long solid corridors that echo your steps as you walk them alone.  These funnels have toxic air that spins the hate, the greed and the urges for revenge as you see only the things others will never see or experience in their lives.  Working inside these gateways to Hell is not for the meek and sorts out the weak as you learn to adapt and survive.

Some funnels resemble tunnels and some are shaped like the worm holes of time. Once you enter these portals there is only one way back out alive. Your mind starts to spin as you meet head on with the sin around you and spirits of the dead embedded in the walls that surround you. You hear the cries and screams of the past as you deal with the evilness and the greyness of the tunnels around you.

Once inside the belly of Hell you will see great sorrow, pathetic sadness and indiscriminate horror. You draw a deep breath and draw one step closer as you rely on yourself to give you strength and protection as you travel the gateways of Hell. Surely you recognize the humans that surround you as society’s castaways and demons with souls that rest in Hell.  The sounds of torment consume you as you shed off your feelings and avoid being taken by the spirits of Hell. You know they are everywhere as you can smell the evilness as a thick green horrible odor that covers the hallways with a stench like no other outside the gates of Hell.

So you walk the green mile over and over without a second thought of its perils and temptations. As an officer of the law you have seen the pits filled with fire and smoke everywhere there are signs of corrupted souls and caged burned skeletons of those of yesterday and never recovered. The red hot coals burn images in your mind as you fight off any temptation to start your own fires and rise up against the evilness around you.  You, just like the burned souls around you, can feel the flames as you walk among those that experienced excruciating pain for committing their crimes against the world. The difference is you get to leave this Hell Hole while those around you must stay there every day and every night.

Many will give Hell and the Devil years of their lives as they were sentenced and  committed by a court of justice to pay back to society their souls and retribution condemned by the righteousness of justice and society and the laws of the land.  You walk from cell to cell and can see many others suffering from great pain and the heat from Hell. Their bones and flesh are scorched and burned from the fire amongst them and their decaying flesh falls right off their bones. Worms and rats are common and depending where you live in Hell scorpions can be found along with other creatures that spew out evil and poison to crawl within you or bite you outside.

Last but not least you brave the lakes of fire covered with smoke as you deal with the cries of regret that surround you. As you pace yourself you come nearer as you can see these burning souls chained together and under the weight of criminality that brought them to this Hell Hole you work in. You are among the unbelievers. They are the lost souls of this earth you have chosen to protect while others chose not to deal with them at all. It is a thankless job and as you walk closer you realize that there are blurred lines that separate the good from the bad and that justice is vicious and unforgiving when thrown into the belly of fire and evil called Hell.