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Sunday, April 17, 2016

We were once a civilized nation

We were once a civilized society

Before our Congress and state legislators passed laws to make us a civilized nation
We didn’t have the troubles like we do today
There were no gun controls, no infringements of our Constitutional amendments, no mass incarcerations, no building of jails to hold illegals and no walls to climb to freedom
Our schools taught us prayer and how we were blessed by our God above
Before these laws were passed, we were merely human being and not subject of a tyrannical government
We didn’t have to fear where we traveled, who we met or how we married and face being put in chains if we broke those laws.
It was all done by the heart, the mind and soul that was cleansed by faith in God
Because of laws passed, we cannot afford the many things in life that were once free and what we have belongs to the tax man or his proxy
We are now too civilized to make our own decisions. Our freedoms are bought or bartered for behind closed doors and called a gift when offered back to restore it like once before
Our importance was not based on wealth or color or race, our value as a human being was based of who we were.
We had no liberty restrictions; privacy was guaranteed by the constitution and the right to walk free went unchallenged without surveillance
Today, we are enslaved to these written laws laid down by lawyers, and corrupt politicians,

It’s time to clean house and start all over again

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